Who Are the Elks?

Image: BPOE

Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

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Beautiful New Wing Added to Home of Roanoke, Va.. Lodge
Visitors from Lodges in many parts of the State attended the exercises held by Roanoke, Va., Lodge No. 197 at the opening of the new $65,000 addition to its Home. A large banquet and a dance were some of the features of the celebration. The completion of the new wing makes the Home of Roanoke Lodge one of the most modernly equipped in the State. A large part of the third floor of the addition is given over to the exclusive use of the wives and daughters of the members of the Lodge. A reading and writing room, dressing-room, club-room and serving pantry are included on this floor. The third floor will also include athletic quarters for the members. On the second floor a spacious dining room connects with the old ball-room giving a banquet hall and auditorium with a seating capacity of 500. The kitchen, and the grill room with a seating capacity of 100, are housed on the second floor, as are the reading and writing room. These changes in the arrangement have increased the space on the first floor for billiard rooms, lockers, showers and baths. It is also the purpose of the Lodge to install a modern barber shop on the first floor for the use of the members.

More News from March, 1925