Henderson, KY 206

Henderson, KY Lodge No. 206

Welcome to Elks Lodge #206

Henderson Lodge # 206 is home to Robert F. Mitchell, 2006-07 Grand Lodge Treasurer 

Lodge/Bar Hours: 

Monday - Friday 3:00 pm -8:00 pm

            Gaming 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Tues:  QOH raffle  ORG-001453

Saturday - Special Announced Events

Sunday: Closed

Lodge Member Meetings 6:30 pm:

Jan, May, Jun, Aug through December: 2nd Thursday

Feb, Mar, and April: 2nd & 4th Thursdays 

Jul: 4th Thursday

BOD Mtg: Wed before our membership meetings

Lodge 206 Facebook

               LODGE OFFICERS

  • ER: Sandy Holland
  • Secretary: Kitty Stant
  • Treasurer: Deb Stone
  • Leading Knight: Jerry Hagedorn
  • Loyal Knight: Ronald Pergeason
  • Lecturing Knight: Ronald Stone
  • Trustee 1 Yr: Keith Payne
  • Trustee 2 Yr: Mickey Todd
  • Trustee 3 Yr: Michael Royster
  • Tiler: Jeffrey Tillotson
  • Esquire: Fran Hatfield
  • Chaplain: Tinky Newman
  • Inner Guard: Rob Stant


  • BOD Chair: Mickey Todd
  • Auditing: Mike Smith
  • Accident Prevention: Mickey Todd
  • Fraternal: Tom Davis
  • Per Association: Jane/John Catlett
  • Activities: Kitty Stant/Dawn Russell/Twila Igenfritz
  • Hoop Shoot: Mike Royster
  • Public Relations: Kitty Stant/Terry Tuggle
  • Ritual: Jay Mitchell
  • Membership: Jay Mitchell/Kitty Stant
  • House Chair: Kitty Stant
  • Grant/Enf Chair: Kitty Stant
  • By-Laws: Sandy Holland

Visit us at 122 N. Elm Street in beautiful downtown Henderson, KY 42420. 

Please sign our guest book.

"In Northwestern Kentucky, Henderson is an impossibly charming river town that's peak small-town living. Home to a population of around 28,000, Henderson is a "big" little town that's warm and welcoming, and cute as a button"

The building at 122 N. Elm St. was known for decades as the Norris, then Homefolks gift shop building, located beside hardware stores bearing the same names. But in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the three-story brick building was part of Henderson’s then-thriving industries: the George Delker Buggy Co.

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