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Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

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Welfare Work Capably Managed By Haverstraw, N. Y., Lodge
The very active and efficient Social and Community Welfare Committee of Haverstraw, N. Y., Lodge No. 877. with the cooperation of the automobile owners of Rockland County, N. Y., entertained over 2,000 children recently on an automobile ride to Bear Mountain Park where luncheon was served and various games placed. It was one of the most delightful day’s outings since the inception of this practice by the Lodge. Youngsters from eight Homes. Convents. Crippled Children's Home, the Tubercular Hospital, Five Points Mission and the Alms House of the County enjoyed the hospitality of the Lodge, this being the largest number ever entertained by it at one time. The welfare Committee, comprising 3S of the be^ known members in the various sections of Rockland County, has an excellent organization. It holds meetings at various points m the County, to discuss and to act on all matters for the benefit of the community, especially with regard to children and poor families. The work already performed by the various members has created very favorable comment by the charitable organizations of the State and County, one of which has expressed a desire to cooperate with the committee to avoid duplication of benefits. Its work having become so extensive m detail, it has been necessary to employ a secretary to take care of all records and correspondence and to report all cases to the chairman, who in turn allots the case to some member of the committee residing within the same neighborhood, for investigation and action. Tins committee will have charge of, and distribute the Christ mas presents of the Lodge which are annually given to the worthy poor of the Country.

More News from October, 1924