Oakmont, PA 1668

Oakmont, PA Lodge No. 1668

REAL PENNSYLVANIA ELKS W ELK ome you to Oakmont Elks Lodge 1668,  106 Washington Avenue Oakmont PA 15139 - (412)828-1668

Lodge Meetings 2nd & 4th Thursdays, except July & Aug, then 2nd Thursday only.

Lodge opens: Wednesday thru Saturday 4:00 PM to Close. Lodge is closed: Sunday, Monday & Tuesday. Wednesday is DJ Trivia Night at 7pm.

Fish Fry is BACK!  3-7pm. Every Friday during Lent.  $15 meals. Fish Sandwich with Mancini's Bread, Fries and Coleslaw. Shrimp Dinner, Fries and Coleslaw. Members and guests can eat in. Take out for everyone else. Please call lodge starting at noon to order.

The link below talks about our Pennsylvania Elks Home Service Project.


Directions: Follow Allegheny River Blvd. in Oakmont to Washington Avenue, then turn West toward the Allegheny River. The Lodge is on the left, one block from the river.