WELCOME to Myrtle Beach Elks Lodge 1771. The friendliest Lodge in South Carolina for over 75 years !
We are located at 606 27 TH Ave N., just 2 blocks from the MB Convention Center and 4 blocks from the beach!! We welcome each and every Elk to come visit and enjoy our Beautiful Non-Smoking Lodge.
Our Bar/Lounge is open as follows :
Tuesday- Friday : Lodge is open at 3pm. We have food available on Wednesday from 5-6 , Thursday & Friday 5:30 to 6:45 unless there is a special event.
Saturday: Lodge is open at 12:00pm to 4pm. We have football on each of our 8 TV's ! However , please check our calendar because hours may vary due to special events.
Sunday: Lodge is open at 12:00pm to 4pm. We have football on each of our 8 TV's ! However , please check our calendar because hours may vary due to special events.
Monday : Closed except for special occasions & Lodge Meetings.
Be sure to look at our Calendar, Lodge news page, and bulletin to see all current and up-coming events.
Follow is on Facebook and join our Facebook Group page for more information.
Our regular meetings are held at 7 PM on the 2nd and 4th Mondays. Two meetings in February, March and April. The rest of the year only one regular meeting on the 2nd Monday except in July, August and September it will be held on 4th Monday. Initiation's will be held on the 4th Monday's. Initiations will be held on 4th Mondays.
Hope to see you soon !