Welcome to our Lodge's website. Winter Park is a very friendly lodge with lots of activity! For example, Thursday Night Bingo
Doors open at 4 PM Food available from 5 to 7 PM Early Bird game starts at 6:15 PM Regular Bingo starts at 6:45 PM
Did you know that Past State President - Charlie Trinowski - and his wife Mary Ann are from this Lodge?
The Lodge meets at 7:00PM second and fourth Tuesdays (except July & August); Initiation is on the 2nd meeting. Our DOES auxiliary meets the second Wednesday. PER Association meets the first Tuesday of the month (except July & August). Meeting Directions: 4755 Howell Branch Road Winter Park FL. Howell Branch intersects SR 426 (Aloma) and SR 436 (Semoran Blvd). Click on the Guest Book link and tell us about your experience. Check out our facilities, they are surprising. See the Lodge's Community news, Veterans, and DOES Drove buttons on the left - they are remarkable.