Olympia, WA 186

Olympia, WA Lodge No. 186

Page last updated March 4, 2025

Robbin's Air will begin installing our 4 new HVAC units on Wednesday March 12, 2025. This has been a long process and it is a big relief seeing it finally coming to an end. The Lodge will remain open during the installation. There will be a crane and trucks in our parking lot so if you are at the Lodge on Wednesday, please obey the taped off areas and any directions from the installation team. They plan to do all the heavy lifting on Wednesday and take Thursday to finish connecting and testing everything. Please do NOT interfere with the work the Robbin's crew is doing. If you have any questions on this, please get a hold of me, your Exalted Ruler, at pkschultz5@msn.com or contact the Lodge. 

Cell Tower Update. AT&T is still very interested in erecting a Cell Tower in our parking lot. We have been exchanging emails and it looks like they are poised to begin "soon". Unfortunately "soon" is a relative term. From reading the emails, we think they will start in the next few weeks, but we were ready for them to begin last fall and it didn't happen. Once they break ground, they begin paying us the monthly lease rate we negotiated back in 2022.

Watch this space and the Weekly Blasts for any updates on these two projects. 
Peter Schultz, PER, Exalted Ruler

Olympia Elks Lodge #186 Installation of Officers.
Incoming Exalted Ruler Scott Fylling and his Officers will be installed on Friday March 28, 2025 beginning at 6pm. A delicious variety of appetizers will be available before the installation and equally delicious desserts will be available after the installation. Please come help welcome the 2025-2026 Officers of Olympia Elks Lodge #186.

The "Furry Friends Bingo" on Friday February 28th was a huge success with 66 coming into play. Members from Concern For Animals were there and spoke briefly about the good work they do. Numbers are still coming in, but we believe we raised over $1,000 for them. We will continue to collect dog and cat food as well as kitty litter for the pets of our community until the end of March. Bring your donations to the Lodge and drop them off.

Our Lodge is having more and more events. Check out the Calendar here on ELKS.ORG and for additional information, see our Geoduck here on ELKS.ORG too. We also have a Facebook page: Olympia Elks Lodge #186

We look forward to seeing you at the Lodge for all our events and especially for the Lodge Meetings. The meeting is where important information is shared with the membership. Participation in YOUR Lodge is important, come to a meeting to find out what is going on. While Chef Tony is out, we are having Potluck Dinners before our Lodge meetings. We know you all have that favorite dish you are know for so prepare it and bring it into share. 

Each Wednesday we have two events. Our Social time from 5-7pm with the Queen of Hearts drawing at 7:00pm. While Chef Tony is recovering from his surgery, please bring your own favorite dish to eat. 
Immediately after the Queen drawing, there is Karaoke. Like to sing, come on down and grab a microphone.

We have BINGO on Tuesdays at 6:30pm. We also play BINGO on Thursday starting at 1:00pm. 

We introduced a new Bingo game, Early Bird, where the Bingo numbers are from the 10 games we play in your packet. It is easy and fun. Come try it out.
While Chef Tony is out, please bring your own favorite dish to eat.  

If you have questions about these meetings, contact our Lodge Secretary Ron Nielson at OlympiaElks@gmail.com.

Our Lodge Officers have been really good about sending out informative emails. Not getting any emails? Contact the Lodge Secretary at 360-753-0186 or send an email to OlympiaElks@Gmail.com to confirm your email address. Everyone needs to read the Geoduck, available on the Virtual Home Page, as there is a lot of great information provided. The Geoduck is emailed to all each month. Look for the Weekly Blast in your email inbox as it has up-to-the minute information about what is going on in our Lodge this week. Be sure to check your junk/spam folder as sometimes important emails end up there for some unknown reason. Your Lodge has signed up for the MyElks App. This is available at no cost to anyone. We intend to begin using it to keep you informed about the goings on in your Lodge. Come to the Lodge and scan the QR Code to get the app or you search Google or Apple for it. This is another way to get you involved with your Lodge. 

Our Lodge is striving to be a Fragrance Free Lodge. Fragrances Don’t Smell Beautiful to Everyone.
Scented products can make people sick.
We have several members who have respiratory issues when exposed to strong perfumes.
Please be considerate of your fellow Lodge members and be discreet in your use of scented products. 
We ask that when you prepare to come to the lodge, keep in mind that some of your fellow Olympia Elks members suffer from MCS. Remember, we are the Benevolent and, Protective Order of Elks.

Our Lodge meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 7:00pm. 

PERs meet at 5:00 pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month. All PERs are welcome to attend. 

Meeting Location: 1818 4th Avenue E Olympia WA

Lodge Office Hours: 11-3pm On Monday and Tuesday. Other times by appointment.
Call 360-753-0186 to make an appointment.