all visiting Elks and their guests. Exalted Ruler Arsenio "Chano" Sanchez is your host.
Located in Totowa, we proudly serve it and the two other "Passaic Valley" communities of Totowa, Little Falls and Woodland Park.
If you are in the area please stop in and say hello. Let us show you our hospitality. We are just minutes from Rts. 80, 46 and 23.
Please take a moment to meet our Officers and many of our project Chairpersons on the "Lodge Officers" page. If you are interested in joining us at one of our many socials, just click on the item on the calendar for more information.
We meet on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of each month. During July & August, we meet only on the 4th Thursdays. Meetings start at 7:30 pm.
Directions: From Interstate Rt. 80 or US Rt. 46 take Union Blvd. north, turn left onto Sheppard Lane, then right onto Fellner Place. The lodge is on the left. 1 Fellner Place, Totowa, NJ.
Please Sign Our Guest Book and Bookmark our site so you can come back often!
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