Lawrenceburg, TN 2206

Lawrenceburg, TN Lodge No. 2206


Welcome to the Crossroads of Dixie

The Home of BPOE # 2206. Please drop by anytime!!!! Please sign our Guest Book while your here visiting our home on the web.


We hope that you will come by and see us when your close by. You will find some of the best people on earth here. We meet first and third Tuesdays, except June, July and August, 3rd Tuesday only. Meeting Directions: 1-1/2 Blocks East Of HWY 43 On Crews Street Lawrenceburg TN.

Lodge Hours

Monday thru Thursday - 4pm till 12pm

Friday - 2pm till 12pm

Saturday - 2pm till 12pm

To cut expense's, if there is no one at the Lodge the bartender may close at 9:00 pm. If you plan to come late you will want to call first and make sure someone is still here.


Lawrenceburg, TN Lodge #2206 is the home of Randy Shook, Public Relations Committeeman, Former Grand Lodge Treasurer, and Past Grand Exalted Ruler.