Friday Night Dinner (March 21, 2025)
Mashed Potatoes
Get there early! This dinner always sells out early!
Take out available for $1.00 extra
We will also have our Fish Frys and our regular menu (burgers, chicken fingers, hots, etc)
The Queen of Hearts Tickets are on sale NOW for $1.00! Current Pot is over $2,800
How we have helped our community
Webster Fairport Lodge #2396 members have accomplished a lot in the first (9) months of this Elk year. Together we:
• organized and executed a large fund raiser for a young woman who needs a lung transplant.
• used a $1000 Freedom Grant to assist the Canandaigua VA and the Veterans Outreach Center.
• used a $3500 Gratitude Grant to support Bella’s Bumpas, a Webster organization that manufactures wheelchairs designed for toddlers.
• collected 104 used bicycles for R Community Bikes to recycle and provide for those who have no other form of transportation.
• hosted the annual Honor Flight Rochester spaghetti supper to support Veterans travel to our nation’s capital.
• worked on the Veteran's Day Community Dinner held at Spry Middle School to provide Veterans with a free meal the week of Nov 11th .
• Our members donated over $7,000 worth of goods to the residents of the Canandaigua VA. Items included clothing, personal care products, books, games etc.
• The Lady Elks conducted the annual White Elephant Gift exchange and the Angel Tree food donation program that benefitted the Little Food pantry of St. Martins Church
• Donated $1200 split evenly to the West Webster Fireman’s Association and the Webster Fire Department / Northeast Fire District to recognize the magnificent work that these first responders do for our community.
• Members are assisting other members (including a Meal Train to assist a member who is battling a serious health issue).
These are just a few of the highlights from this current Elk year.
If you would like to be part of this community or like more information, call the number below. We would love to meet you.
Membership Meetings are held on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the month (except holidays)
Webster-Fairport, NY No. 2396
1066 Jackson Rd*
Webster, NY 14580-8786
(585) 872-1847 (Lodge Direct Line)
*Jackson Rd runs South from Rt 404 (Village of Webster)