Winchester, KY 2816

Winchester, KY Lodge No. 2816

Winchester Lodge #2816

255 Shoppers Drive

Winchester, KY 40391


The Winchester Lodge opens at 5:00 p.m. Monday thru Saturday.  Located just off of I-64, 20 minutes from Lexington or Mt. Sterling. 

Club meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month except July, August, and December, then it's the 4th Tuesday only.

State website:

Thank you for visiting our Virtual Home Page!  We hope you were able to find any information you may be searching for.  Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have regarding our community involvement or activities, charitable contributions, room rental, bingo sessions, or especially membership.  If you are seeking an organization to join and volunteer with, we hope you will consider the Elks!

Our Kentucky Elks state major fundraising project is "Kids with Cancer".  There are 17 lodges across the state of Kentucky that participate in this project every year.  The funds raised go to support children and families that have been stricken with childhood cancer.  

Veterans and First Responders are also a major groups that hold a special place in the hearts of the Elks.  We observe all Veteran related holidays. We hold a ceremony on Flag Day, Memorial Day, and Veteran's Day.  We provide a Thanksgiving and Christmas meal for VA groups, and provide Christmas gifts and needed items throughout the year.  We support the local First Responders with any projects they may be working on.  "Shop with a Cop" or local school "Backpack" food programs etc.

We are always seeking new members that wish to join with us in our mission to support these groups and many other community programs.  Please stop by and tour our lodge, or call to find out how you too can become an Elk.

On behalf of all our officers and trustees, thanks for stopping by,

Josie L Gross                                                                                                                                                                                    Secretary                                                                                                                                                                                          Winchester Elks Lodge #2816                                                                                                                                                          (859) 497-1816