Oil City, PA 344

Oil City, PA Lodge No. 344

Welcome to Oil City Elks Lodge #344 website

Meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month, except February, March, and April when the meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays.

"Like" Us on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/OilCityElks344

Oil City Elks Lodge 344 is located in the heart of downtown Oil City at 111 Sycamore Street.

(814) 677-6371

Please come in to the lodge and support our worthwhile charities!

Our hours are:

3 pm to 9 pm  Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 

12 pm to 6pm Sunday.

Weekly Drawing 12:30 pm Every Sunday

Daily Drawing Every day at 7:00 pm except Sunday


HALL RENTALS: oilcityelks344@gmail.com OR CALL (814) 677-6371