Elks Scholar Meet-ups

Host a Meet-up!

A meet-up is a fun and easy way for you to meet other Elks scholars in your area! This is a chance to build relationships with peers who share something in common with you, you are all Elks scholars! All you have to do is let us know you're interested in hosting, and we will send you a list of other Elks scholars in your area, whether that be on your college campus or in your hometown.

The ENF reimburses up to $15 per Elks scholar at the meet-up for up to 20 Elks scholars, so feel free to grab lunch, order a few pizzas to share or organize an activity. Take advantage of this opportunity by sending an email to scholarship@elks.org with your interest.

Who can attend an Elks scholar meet-up?

Meet-ups are for any current Elks scholars or Elks scholar alumni. You are welcome to host multiple meet-ups if you inviting a large group of scholars (ex: all students at your university) and different scholars attend; however, meet-ups are not intended to reimburse repeat meals between friends. We will only reimburse a meet-up with the same group of scholars once.

Why should I host a meet-up?

By taking the initiative to organize a meet-up, you are providing yourself and other scholars near you an opportunity to get to know someone new. College can sometimes be intimidating, so it is always nice to have an easy way to meet people. Plus, you never know who may be an Elks scholar at your school. At a past meet-up, two scholars lived on the same floor of their dorm and never even knew it! You will get to meet new people, enjoy a meal or activity, and maybe even make a new friend!

How do I receive my reimbursement?

To receive your reimbursement, you must email your receipt and current mailing address to scholarship@elks.org within 30 days of the meet-up. Then, we will mail you a check for up to $15. We are unable to issue reimbursements without an itemized receipt (we cannot take bank account screenshots).