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Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

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Roanoke, Va., Lodge Made Trip to Elks National Home
Members of Roanoke, Va., Lodge No. 197 and their families recently made a trip to the Elks National Home at Bedford, Va. A special train brought 300 of the pilgrims while about 25 automobiles carried many others. The principal event of the day was the picnic supper held on the grounds in the grove at the rear of the Home. The food for the picnic was carried by the members on their special train and it was truly a royal feast that the committee in charge had prepared. Preceding the picnic the visitors and the residents of the Home gathered on the lawn and were entertained by various musical numbers furnished by the Elks Jazz Orchestra and the Calthrop Glee Club. Following the picnic and short address was made by C. L. Moseby, superintendent of the Home, and appreciation of the jolly day was expressed by Mr. Terry on behalf of his fellow residents.

The annual pilgrimage to the National Home and the picnic were inaugurated last year by Roanoke Lodge. It is given the honor of the “Old Boys” at the Home for the purpose of affording them a day of pleasure and diversion. Such a fine spirit of fellowship is present on these occasions and so fully do the residents of the Home enjoy the entertainments provided, that members of Roanoke Lodge consider the day as one of the foremost outings of the year.

More News from October, 1924