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Duluth Festive Scene of Meeting of Minnesota State Elks Association
Close to 10,000 members and their families came to Duluth for the twentieth annual convention of the Minnesota State Elks Association held recently in that city. It was a most interesting and successful meeting, both from the point of view of entertainment and the work accomplished at the business sessions. The band contests were one of the features on the program that was attended by large numbers. The band of Wed Wing Lodge No. 845, twice winner in previous State conventions, won its third victory and the prize of $250 by a unanimous decision of the judges. The band of Owatonna Lodge No. 1395 took the second prize of $150. The drum corps of Stillwater Lodge No. 1799 and Owatonna Lodge won first and prizes respectively and received large silver loving cups. Red Wing Lodge was also successful in the ritualistic contests, its team winning over the degree team of Duluth Lodge No. 133. A fine silver loving cup went with the victory. At the business sessions the delegates adopted a new constitution, allowing each Lodge one delegate to the State Association for each 100 members with a maximum delegation of 15. All past residents of the State body and past and present Exalted Rulers are given membership in the Association. Twenty-five delegates will constitute a quorum, providing 12 of the Lodges are represented. There are now 23 Lodges in the Association.

John E. Regan of Mankato Lodge No. 225 was re-elected president for the ensuing year. Other officers elected were: First Vice-President, Thomas B. Wilson of Minneapolis Lodge No. 44; Second Vice-President, Paul McGeary of Rochester Lodge No. 1091; Third Vice-president, Edward W. Stevens of Duluth Lodge No. 133; Treasurer, Wiliam W. Koons of St. Cloud No. 516; secretary, Lannie C. Horne of Minneapolis Lodge No. 44; Trustee, Dr. C. R. Leech of St. Paul Lodge No. 59, for three years. One of the most touching events of the meeting was the presentation to Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Koons of a beautiful silver service by the Association. The gift was made in recognition of the fact that 21 years ago Mr. Koons was one of the organizers and the first President of the Minnesota State Elks Association, and that he and Mrs. Koons have never missed a session since. The presentation was made by Mr. John E. Ragan on behalf of the Association.

More News from October, 1924