Who Are the Elks?

Image: BPOE

Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

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Muskegon, Mich., Lodge Buys Summer Playground
Muskegon, Mich., Lodge No. 274 recently voted to purchase a tract of land situated just south of its Lake Harbor property which it plans to convert into a summer home. There are 69 acres in the tract with 1500 feet frontage on Lake Michigan. It is heavily wooded and easily reached by automobile. The land will make an ideal summer playground for the members and their families when all the improvements have been made. Suggestions for building a club house, cottages, children's playgrounds, tennis courts, etc., are being considered by the membership.

More News from January, 1925