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Minneapolis, Minn., Lodge Will Raise Funds for New Armory
Minneapolis, Minn., Lodge No. 44, recently went on record as unanimously in favor of accepting an offer made by the Armory Board of the city to assist in raising funds to keep the Armory open for the use of the State Militia which is located in Minneapolis and which must have convenient quarters if its existence is to continue. Heretofore the city appropriated the necessary funds and an equal amount was donated by the State. The city failing to make the necessary appropriation this year, the $4,000 needed for the maintenance of the Armory must be raised otherwise. It is the plan at present to present a large circus or similar entertainment at the Armory sometime in March, and Minneapolis Lodge, with the assistance of the members of the 151st Field Artillery, will see to it that the needed funds are raised in this way.

More News from February, 1925