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White Plains, N. Y., Lodge Dedicates New Home
The members of White Plains, N. Y., Lodge No. 535 are now occupying the first unit of their handsome new Home at 58 Hamilton Avenue. This structure, recently dedicated, will in a short time be enlarged by the addition of the second unit on which work will begin as soon as possible. The first unit is three stories high. In the basement are the grill-rooms, bowling alleys, and heating plant. On the first floor are located the dining-rooms, billiard and pool-rooms, kitchen, pantry and coat-rooms. The Lodge-room is on the next floor, which also contains office-rooms and serving-pantry. The third floor is at present used as the organ loft. The Lodge-room is one of the finest in the region. Its lighting is a special feature of interest, there being over 700 bulbs, colored red, blue, and amber, hidden in the moulding. These lights are controlled by switches, so that many different effects can be obtained. The dedication of the building was conducted by Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Hugh C. Harris of New Rochelle, N. Y., Lodge No. 756, who acted as District Deputy in the absence of William C. Clark. The principal address of the day was delivered by Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Fred Hughes, a charter member of White Plains Lodge, and its first Secretary. Many other distinguished members of the Order were present at the banquet, which preceded the dedication. Approximately 1,000members of White Plains Lodge and visiting Elks witnessed the ceremony, after which refreshments were served and the building and furnishings inspected by the members. When the two units of the new Home have been completed the whole will represent an investment on the part of White Plains Lodge of more than $230,000.

More News from February, 1925