Exalted Rulers

As an Exalted Ruler, you want what’s best for your Lodge. What could be better than helping local people in need and raising your Lodge’s community profile? You can do both through CIP grants!

CIP Grant Basics

  • Only the Lodge Secretary or ENF Grants Coordinator can access the online application.
  • All grant projects must be used for a charitable purpose and cannot be used to only benefit the Lodge.
  • You can find more specific information on each individual Grant's webpage. Access them by navigating to the CIP Grants tab on the left sidebar.
  • For a crash course on how to start your own CIP project, visit the CIP Program Toolkit.
  • You can find important resources on the CIP Resources tab on the sidebar. This section contains information on Final Reports, downloadable grant Toolkits, webinars, and other useful grant tools.


The Beacon, Gratitude and Spotlight Grants open annually on April 1. All applications close on the Wednesday after Martin Luther King Jr. Day of the following year. Lodges will have until the end of the Lodge year, March 31, to use grant funds.