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No. 1 Dedicates Tablet In Memory of Past Grand Exalted Ruler Leach
Grand Exalted Ruler John G. Price and a number of other Grand Lodge officers were present at the dedication by New York Lodge No. I of the beautiful bronze tablet which it has placed in its Home in memory of Past Grand Exalted Ruler Edward Leach who was a member of that Lodge. The ceremonies opened with the announcement by Past Exalted Ruler Arthur Y. Dearden, Chairman of the Leach Memorial Committee, that the tablet was ready for dedication. Following this the ritualistic service was conducted by the Exalted Ruler and officers of No. 1. There was a brief address by Past Exalted Ruler William T. Phillips, and a vocal selection by Walter Byron, who was accompanied by Jesse iL Winne on the organ. At the completion of the beautiful ritual eloquent and inspiring addresses were made by Mr. Price, Past Grand Exalted Ruler Joseph T. Fanning! Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson, John F. Malley. Chairman of the Grand Lodge Committee on Judiciary, and James A. Farley, President of the New York State Elks Association, all of whom had known and admired "Eddie "Leach. Many other members of the Order were present at the services, including Hon. Murray Hulbert. Member of the Grand Lodge Committee on Social and Community Welfare; Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Rulers Hugh C. Harris, John E. Dearden, James T. Hallinan and Thomas F. Brogan; Amon W. Foote, Secretary of the New York State Elks Association and Charles E. Osgood of Boston, Mass., Lodge No. 10. Many representatives from Lodges about the city were also present. The tablet in memory of Mr. Leach was executed by Frederick R. Triebel, a member of No. 1, who was warmly complimented for the beauty of his achievement.

More News from January, 1925