Who Are the Elks?

Image: BPOE

Elks Lodges bring so much more to their communities than just a building, golf course or pool. They are places where neighbors come together, families share meals, and children grow up.

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Superior, Wis., Lodge Prepares to Welcome State Association
Superior, Wis., Lodge No. 403 is already making plans for its reception of the Wisconsin State Elks Association which will hold its annual convention in that city August 13-15. indications are that it will be one of the biggest gatherings held so far by the Association. Not only are the Lodges in Wisconsin planning on large representations, but many members from Northern Michigan, the Range and as far South in Minnesota as Twin Cities and Winona have already signified their intention to be present. Milwaukee, Wis., Lodge No. 46, which entertained the convention last year, is making elaborate preparations to be well represented at Superior.

More News from March, 1925