Under the Spreading Antlers

They Tell These Tales of the Order

July, 1924
New Brunswick Lodge Presents Commendable Charitable Contributions
Carrying out the cardinal principles of the Order, and in line with the excellent work it has already done in this field, New Brunswick, N. J., Lodge No. 324 recently voted to contribute $10,000 to the St. Peter's General Hospital and a like amount to the Middlesex General Hospital for the construction and equipment of a special operating room for crippled children and general orthopedics in each institution. In addition to the contributions of $10,000 to each of the hospitals, the Lodge has contributed $1,000 to the general building fund of each. The donations will come out of the general treasury of the Lodge and there will be no drives among the members or any public affairs to raise funds, the members voting to pay the donations from dues and initiation fees. The construction and equipment of the operating rooms will be done solely by the Lodge. Each institution will be paid the sums appropriated in ten equal yearly instalments. Brunswick Lodge has already a high record for work in this field. Last year, under the sponsorship of the Lodge, fully 100 children were treated at these institutions weekly, at an expense of approximately $4,000 a year. The recent action taken by the Lodge is perhaps the greatest practical demonstration of charity on the part of a fraternal organization ever witnessed in New Brunswick.

Pennsylvania Southwest Association Elects New Officers
At a recent monthly meeting of the Elks’ Association of Pennsylvania Southwest, held at Jeannette, PA., Lodge No. 486, there were 19 Lodges represented, having 67 delegates in attendance. An interesting meeting was held, the members of Jeannette Lodge providing a fine program of entertainment for the visitors. Officers were elected for the ensuing year as follows: President, F. J. Schrader, Allegheny Lodge, No. 339; Treasurer, William C. Carle, Jeannette Lodge; Secretary, C. S. Brown, Allegheny Lodge.

Brilliant Annual Banquet Given By ban Francisco, Calif., Lodge
San Francisco, Calif., Lodge No. 3 recently held its annual banquet in the Colonial Room of the Hotel St. Francis. Over 400 guests were present to pay homage to Past Exalted Ruler Nadeau L. Bourgeault after his wonderful administration and to welcome the new Exalted Ruler August L. Fourtner. Past Grand Exalted Rulers Raymond Benjamin of Napa, Calif., Lodge No. 832, and William M. Abbott of San Francisco Lodge were among the many distinguished guests of the evening. Toward the close of the banquet Past Exalted Ruler Oliver D. Flahavan, on behalf of the members of San Francisco Lodge, presented Mr. Bourgeault with a most beautiful diamond brooch for Mrs. Bourgeault, as a token of the esteem in which the Lodge holds its retiring Exalted Ruler. The banquet was enlivened with an excellent program of vocal and instrumental music.

Work Progresses on Impressive Home Of Irvington, N. J., Lodge
Work is progressing rapidly on the new Home of Irvington, N. J., Lodge No. 1245. Adjoining the present quarters of the Lodge on a plot fronting 178 feet on Springfield Avenue and running through to Sharon Avenue 125 feet, the new building \rill occupy a space 93 feet front facing both streets, having sufficient ground for further development. This remaining ground will be used for outdoor entertainments, smokers and carnivals, as well as a parking space for 200 or more cars. In designing the Home, the architect visioned the future development of the beautiful expanse of park which the building mil face and accordingly drafted the English architecture of the Tudor period in planning the structure. The general construction is to be of skeleton frame, semi-fireproof. The exterior will present a pleasing, dignified appearance with variegated colored brick trimmed with Indiana limestone, rising to a height of three stories with a four-story central tower from which it will be possible to get a splendid view of the surrounding territory. Every modern convenience will be embodied in the Home and nothing will be left undone for the comfort of the members.

Toledo, Ohio, Lodge Mourns Passing Of Charles "Split" Seymour
Toledo, Ohio, Lodge No. 53 mourns the loss of Charles "Split" Seymour who recently passed away at the age of 86. For more than 40 years he was a member of the Lodge, serving as its tiler for 37 years. His was a life crowded with romance and adventure, and the part he played in the history of Toledo Lodge endeared him to many. He was the best known and best loved member of the Lodge and far and wide members of the Order knew No. 53 through the reputation of this dignified gentleman who was the kindly and humorous host for so many years.

Grand Exalted Ruler Visits Fairbury, Neb., Lodge
Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland and Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson recently visited Fairbury, Neb., Lodge No. 1203. A large banquet was given in honor of the Grand Exalted Ruler and an elaborate entertainment was staged for the enjoyment of the victors. The Past Exalted Rulers of the Lodge and officers from a number of other Lodges in the State were present. Past Grand Exalted Ruler Frank L. Rain of Fairbury Lodge introduced Mr. McFarland to the gathering which was enthusiastic in its reception of the Grand Exalted Ruler and his interesting address. At the conclusion of the banquet Mr. McFarland was presented with a handsome pair of silver candlesticks.

New York Lodge, No. 1, Provides Entertainment for Sing Sing Prison
The Director of Entertainments of the Mutual Welfare League of Sing Sing Prison at Ossining, N. Y., recently sent the following letter to New York Lodge, No. 1; "This letter is merely the outward and visible symbol of the great big feeling of gratitude and appreciation which the men here hold for your organization in arranging the transportation for the party of the San Carlo Opera Company. The artists themselves, as many of you heard, were tremendously applauded, but those of us who know that it is your organization which is responsible for the trip want you to feel that we are particularly grateful to you for so splendidly arranging the entire matter."

Elks Club of Fifteen Members Formed on the High Seas
Fifteen members of the Order from Lodges in all parts of the country were on the passenger list of the S. S. Empress of Canada on her recent around-the-world cruise. The members formed an Elks Club shortly after sailing from New York City on January 30 and regular meetings were held on board throughout the voyage. The Club was royally entertained at Manila, P. I, Lodge No. 761, and at Honolulu, H. I., Lodge No. 616.

Arkansas State Elks Association Holds Convention at Little Rock
More than 1,000 delegates from the various Lodges of the State were present at the thirteenth annual convention of the Arkansas State Elks Association which met recently at Little Rock. Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland was the guest of honor and delivered a most stirring address at the opening of the convention. A feature of the meeting was the presentation to the Association of a handsome loving cup by Mr. McFarland. This will be awarded to the degree team winning first place in the annual State ritualistic contest. Important steps were taken by the delegates to broaden the field of welfare activities of the Lodges throughout the State and committees were appointed to investigate and report on various phases of the work. Dr. Louis J. Kosminsky of Texarkana Lodge No. 309, was elected President of the Association for the ensuing year; E. L. Lund and W. Parke, both of Little Rock Lodge No. 29, were elected Treasurer and Secretary respectively. Pine Bluff was selected as the convention city for 1925.

Grand Exalted Ruler Grants Dispensations for New Lodges
Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland granted dispensations for the institution of the following new Lodges;

Dunellen, N. J., Lodge No. 14S8.

Burkburnett, Texas, Lodge No. 1489.

Brookings, S. Dak., Lodge No. 1490.

Whitehall, N. Y., Lodge No. 1491.

Inglewood, Calif., Lodge No. 1492

Georgia State Elks Association Meets in Augusta
G. P. Maggioni of Savannah, Ga., Lodge No. 183 was elected President of the Georgia State Elks Association at the close of its tenth annual convention held at Augusta. Other officers elected for the ensuing year were Thomas B. Lamar of Columbus Lodge No. 111, Treasurer; Ike Ehrlich of Albany Lodge No. 713, Secretary. Tybee Island, within the jurisdiction of Savannah Lodge, was selected as the Convention City for 1925. The meeting was the most successful ever held by the Association and excellent work was accomplished by the delegates. Several important resolutions were adopted, one of them being an award of $100 each year to students of the University of Georgia who during the yearly term submit the best essays on patriotic subjects —the awards to be announced yearly by the Association. Augusta Lodge No. 205, was lavish in its entertainment of the visitors and everything was done to make the convention a memorable occasion.

Band and Drill Team of White Plains, N. Y., Lodge Please Old Folks
The famous drill team and band of White Plains, N. Y., Lodge No. 535. accompanied by a large number of members, recently visited the County Home at East View where they provided the old folks of that institution with a most enjoyable program. During the evening Exalted Ruler Mortimer C. O'Brien stated that the Lodge is at the service of the Home at any time and in any way, and extended the best wishes of the entire Order to the audience. Boxes of candy were presented to the women, as well as oranges and other delicacies, and the men were given pipes and tobacco. Pending the completion of its new Home, White Plains Lodge has been generously offered the use of the quarters of the Masons and Knights of Columbus. The Masons have turned over their Temple for meeting purposes and the Knights of Columbus their club rooms for the rehearsals of the Lodge's band. These acts of kindness, evidence of a true spirit of brotherhood existing between these fraternal organizations of the city, are greatly appreciated by the members of White Plains Lodge.

Columbia, S. C., Lodge Plays Host To the Children of the City
Columbia, S. C., Lodge No. 1190 takes an active interest in the welfare of the children in its community. Recently the Lodge arranged an Easter Egg Hunt and played host to the city's children. Prizes were given to the youngsters finding the gold and silver eggs. It was a most successful party and one of the biggest events of its kind ever conducted in the State.

Pasadena, Calif, Lodge Plans Extensive Rebuilding Program
Pasadena, Calif., Lodge No. 672 is planning a large rebuilding program the first step of which win be the erection of a new structure on the south or rear portion of its present property at 400 West Colorado Street, The part of the Hume now occupied by the dining or "Jinks" room in the basement and the Lodge room Mill be removed for this new building. The structure will be fire-proof, of reinforced concrete walls and floors with steel trusses for roof. The cost of the building, exclusive of furniture, is estimated at $90,000. This will be the first unit of the rebuilding program and will fill the immediate needs of the Lodge and be adequate for the next 20 years or longer.

Cornerstone for New Home of Kendallville, Ind., Lodge Laid
Kendallville, Ind., Lodge No. 1194 recently laid the cornerstone of its new Home. Nearly 500 witnessed the ceremony and took part in the festivities that followed. The building, located at the corner of West Mitchell and Orchard Streets, will be architecturally beautiful and modern throughout. The exterior walls will be faced with light buff brick of rough texture and set with white cut stone cornices and ledges in ornamental designs. Two features of the building will be the large auditorium and the spacious Lodge room. The cost of the building will be in the neighborhood of $50,000.

Portland, Ore., Lodge to Have Beautiful Country Club
As a result of a resolution recently passed by the members of Portland, Ore., Lodge No. 142, application has been made to obtain from the Federal Government a tract of 25 acres situated on the Mt. Hood Loop Highway for a Country Club site. The erection on the site of a suitable club house to accommodate the thousands of Portland members and their families will not cost Portland Lodge one penny, as individual members of the Lodge are willing to erect it at their own expense and have so placed themselves on record. The proposed Club will be situated in the heart of the Cascade ^Mountains on Oregon's far-famed highway, one of the most beautiful spots in the world.

Successful Meeting Held by Alabama State Elks Association
District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Harvey M. Blue of Montgomery, Ala., Lodge No. 596 was elected President of the Alabama State Elks Association at the annual convention held recently at Montgomery. C. L. Haley of Florence Lodge No. 820, was elected Treasurer, and E. D. Warneck of Ensley Lodge No. 987, was elected Secretary. The convention was a great success, every Lodge in the State being represented. Birmingham Lodge No. 79, with the largest of all delegations, was successful in having its city chosen as the meeting place of the Association in 1925. Past Grand Exalted Ruler Edward Right or was the principal speaker before the convention. In closing his address Mr. Rightor paid splendid tribute to the late Judge B. M. Allen of Birmingham Lodge, who was also a Past Grand Exalted Ruler.

Clinton, Iowa. Lodge Dedicates New Home
Clinton, Iowa, Lodge No. 190 recently dedicated its new $75,000 Home in the presence of a large gathering of Elks from various parts of the State and from Illinois. A sumptuous dinner to over four hundred was followed by talks by prominent members of the Iowa State Elks Association. At eight o'clock the dedication services were held at which District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler C. W. Wallace of Oelwein Lodge No. 741, presided. Following the dedication of the Home, a class of 34 candidates was initiated in a very impressive manner.

Sport Night at Los Angles, Calif, Lodge Helps Olympic Games Fund
An evening of athletic contests, given with the purpose of stimulating interest in the Olympic Games Fund, was recently conducted by Los Angeles, Calif., Lodge No. 99. The following prominent athletes were on the program; James J. Donahue, all-round world champion; Charley Paddock, world's champion sprinter; Maurice McLaughlin, ex-world's tennis champion; Alma Richards, winner of high jump in 1912 Olympiad; Duke Kahanamoku, record breaking Hawaiian swimmer: Fred Kelly, former hurdler, and other world-famous athletes.

Ionia, Mich., Lodge Active. Will Build Addition to Home
Ionia, Mich., Lodge No. 548 has entered into a prosperous year, with an excellent program of activities scheduled for the coming months. The Lodge is also engaged in extensive building operations and plans to spend about S6o,ooo in the construction of a large addition to its present Home. This, when completed, will give Ionia Lodge one of the finest Homes in the district.

Four New Lodges Instituted Into the Order
Launched on their careers with impressive ceremonics, the following new Lodges have been recently instituted: Kelso, Wash., Lodge No. 1482. Cordova, Alaska, Lodge No. 1483. Oroville, Calif., Lodge No. 1484. Susanville, Calif., Lodge No. 1487.

Junction City, Kans., Lodge Occupies New Home
The beautiful new Home of Junction City, Kans., Lodge No. 1037 stands on the spot where the first dwelling house was built in Junction City in 185S. The present building was erected in 1919 by the Catholic War Camp Community Service for soldiers and citizens and cost about $60,000 completed. Last December the building was acquired by Junction City Lodge and was thoroughly renovated, redecorated and equipped with everything necessary to make it a model Elks Home.

Elks Magazine Reaches Traveler In Far Places of the World
George H. England, a charter member of Holyoke, Mass., Lodge No. 902, and now a member of Los Angeles, Calif., Lodge No. 99, who has just returned to this country after an absence of four years during which time he traveled in almost every part of the world, reports that every issue of The Elks Magazine reached him safely. In London, Lucerne, Dresden, Cairo and many other places he was able to keep in touch through the magazine with the activities of the Order. A copy of the magazine reached him even at Nairobi, in British East Africa, just as he was starting on a big game hunt through the jungle.

Barberton, Ohio, Lodge Gives Furniture for Hospital Rooms
Barberton. Ohio, Lodge No. 982 is continuing to do excellent welfare work in its community In addition to recently fitting up a room for members at the Citizens Hospital, the Lodge has agreed to furnish the large convalescent room used by all patients at the same institution. Among the items that will be supplied by the Lodge for the purpose will be shades, frosted and shaded lights and lamps, battleship linoleum for the floor and wicker reclining chairs and couches.

Sioux City, Iowa, Lodge Gives Big Children's Picnic
Sioux City, Iowa, Lodge No. 112 has perfected plans for its children's picnic which assure one of the most successful outings ever conducted by the Lodge. This event is an annual one and is given for the orphans of the city. It is a day looked forward to by the children all through the year. It was this event which recently prompted the youngsters at the Boys’ and Girls' Home to compose a song about their big brothers, the Elks, which they sing with great spirit on special occasions.

Celebrate Twentieth Anniversary of Newburyport, Mass., Lodge
A host of distinguished guests attended the Twentieth Anniversary Banquet of Newbury port, Mass., Lodge No. 909, which was held in the City Hall. Among the speakers of the evening were the Hon. James M. Curley, Mayor of Boston; Hon. John F. Malley, Chairman of the Grand Lodge Committee on Judiciary District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Michael H. McCarron; Hon. E. Mark Sullivan, Corporation Counsel of the City of Boston; and Mayor Cashman of Newburyport. Andrew J, Casey, the first Exalted Ruler of the Lodge, was the toastmaster of the evening. The banquet was followed by a concert and ball, and one of the features of the evening was the burning of the mortgage on the Home.

Atlantic City, N. J., Lodge Dedicates Betty Bacharach Home
The Betty Bacharach Home for crippled children, owned and operated by Atlantic City, N.J., Lodge No.276, was appropriately dedicated on Mothers' Day. This unique institution, given to the Lodge by Congressman Isaac Bacharach and his brother, former Mayor Harry Bacharach, both members of Atlantic City Lodge, was christened after their mother. Mrs. Betty Bacharach herself was present at the formal dedication and was the center of an affectionate group of congratulating friends. This remark able Home, the only institution of its kind owned and maintained by a Lodge of the Order, is fully described in an illustrated article published in the May issue of The Elks Magazine.

“Frolics” of Philadelphia, Pa., Lodge Brilliant Success
The great annual spectacle of Philadelphia, Pa., Lodge No. 2, the " Elks Frolic," was recently presented at the Metropolitan Opera House in that city for four nights. It far surpassed any previous Frolic given by the Lodge in respect to the magnificence of production, attendance and the amount of money realized. The highly successful show furnished amusement for thousands of members of No. 2and their friends, and provided funds for an adequate display of Philadelphia Lodge at the Grand Lodge Convention, and at the meeting in Williamsport of the Pennsylvania State Elks Association.

Nebraska State Elks Association Meets at Omaha
The Nebraska State Elks Association recently held its annual convention at Omaha Nebraska. Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland, Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson and a host of the Order were present and addressed the meeting. The delegates adopted the following significant resolution:

“Believing that the State Association has for its object the stimulation and improvement of all Lodges in the State, we think that it is advisable that a committee be appointed to draft plans whereby contests at the annual meeting of the Association should be determined and suitable prizes given for all Lodge activities, athletic, social and charitable, in which the Lodges may be engaged on a similar basis as the McFarland cup trophy for ritualistic work, and the Lodges be thereby encouraged in carrying out the object of the Elks brotherhood. This committee should consist of three, and should report to the President of the Association within three months; the report should be adopted by the officers and trustees of the State Association, and the Lodges duly notified in order that these competitions may be held at the next meeting of the State Association."

The annual ritualistic contest was won by the officers of Lincoln, Neb., Lodge No. 80. This was the third contest for the James G. McFarland Trophy Cup presented three years ago. The officers elected for the ensuing year were as follows: President, Dan B. Butler, Omaha Lodge No. 39; Treasurer, Frank Real, McCook Lodge No. 1434; Secretary, W. J. Gregorius, Columbus Lodge No. 1195. The next meeting place will be at Falls City sometime in June, 1925.

Honolulu, H. L, Lodge Rebuilds Home Damaged by Fire
The Home of Honolulu, H. I., Lodge No. 616, which suffered serious damage from fire early in the year, has been rebuilt and redecorated. The architects and decorators, following out the suggestion of the members, have endeavored in every case to restore the beauty of the original interiors, and to make the rebuilding conform, as closely as possible, to the original design. The Home of Honolulu Lodge has been for many years the meeting place of hundreds of globe trotters and any planning a trip in that direction this year will find the members ready to welcome them as heartily as ever.

Dallas, Texas, Lodge Presents Baby Camp with Incubator
Members of Dallas, Texas, Lodge No. 71 have set aside the third Sunday in May of each year as Baby Camp Day, on which occasion the Lodge will visit the Dallas Baby Camp and make some contribution for its maintenance. This year its gift was a $225 baby incubator to be added to the camp’s equipment, together with a dozen hand-embroidered wool blankets for use in the institution.

Bristol, Pa., Lodge Organizes Past Exalted Rulers Association
The Past Exalted Rulers of Bristol, Pa., Lodge No. 970 have organized a Past Exalted Rulers Association. Lewis T. Rodan, the second Past Exalted Ruler of the Lodge, was made President of the Association; Francis J. Byers, Vice-President, and Howard R. Thornton Secretary and Treasurer. It is the purpose of the Association to have each member deliver an address at some meeting of the Association, discussing a subject beneficial to the welfare of the Lodge. These meetings will be held monthly, and will be interesting not only for the fact that the Subordinate Lodge will receive the close Nation of Past Exalted Rulers, but they will keep the members of the Association actively interested in the future work of the Lodge.

Glendale, Calif., Lodge a Leader in Welfare Work
Glendale, Calif., Lodge No. 1289 takes an active interest in all the affairs which are conducted for the welfare and interest of the city and its institutions. In addition to a broad program of charity work on which the Lodge spent over $8,000 last year, the Relief Committee visits all the blind and State aid cases of the city every 30 days. One day in each month is set aside for visiting the indigent tubercular men and women who live alone in little cabins among the hills of Tujunga. Fruit and other luxuries and necessities are brought to them on these occasions.

Indiana State Elks Association Meets In Terre Haute, August 26-27
Terre Haute, Ind., Lodge No. 86 and the whole city are making elaborate plans for the convention of the Indiana State Elks Association which will take place on August 26-27. A dine program of entertaining is being prepared, including an all-day picnic without admission charge on private grounds, and many other events. Indiana lodges will also compete for the Joseph T. Fanning Cup for the best ritualistic work. Indications are that this twenty-third meting o the Association will set a record in attendance and achievement.

A New Home in Sight for Phoenix, Ariz., Lodge
Phoenix, Ariz., Lodge No. 335 is maturing plans for the building of a new Home. For some years the Lodge has owned an excellent site at the intersection of Adams Street and Second Avenue. It is proposed to erect a two-story structure that will embody every convenience for the comfort of the members. The damage recently done by fire to the present Home has been repaired and meetings will be held there until the new building is ready.

Minot, N. Dak., Lodge Sponsors "Hospital Day"
"Hospital Day" was recently observed in Minot, N. Dak., under the sponsorship of Minot, N. Dak., Lodge No. 1089. The three hospitals of the city held open house and the public was invited to visit these institutions, not simply as an endorsement of their wonderful work, but to obtain a greater realization of their achievements and thus be better informed as to methods of aiding the efforts to prolong life and reduce misery. One of the features of the occasion was the first annual Charity Ball of the Lodge which was held on the evening of Hospital Day. This event was highly successful and well attended, and was the means of providing substantial funds for the work of the hospitals.

Pasadena, Calif, Lodge Active With Boy Scouts
Pasadena, Calif., Lodge No. 672 has won a place in the hearts of the Boy Scouts within its jurisdiction. The Lodge has shown a fine spirit of cooperation, helping the Scouts in many ways. For example, the Lodge gives the Scouts the use of its Lodge room every month for their Court of Honor sessions. By thus affording fine surroundings, these sessions are proving to be extremely dignified, well attended and an inspiration to both the boys and the leaders. Last summer the Lodge purchased new uniforms for the Troop in the South Pasadena Orphans’ Home and also paid a summer camp fee of $12.50 each for the boys who attended the big Boy Scout Camps on Catalina Island. The Lodge is planning to do this again this year. Pasadena Lodge is at present formulating plans for the organization of a Boy Scout Troop which it will sponsor and develop.

Savannah, Ga., Lodge Out for Public Golf Course
A most attractive float was entered by Savannah, Ga., Lodge No. 183 in the parade held in connection with the observance of Boys' Week. This float represented a miniature golf course and was designed by the Lodge's Social and Community Welfare Committee to aid in stirring public interest in the construction of a public links for the city.

New York State Elks Association Takes Census of Crippled Children
The Crippled Children Committee of the New York State Elks Association is making a survey of the crippled children of the State, under the age of sixteen, for the purpose of providing the new State Crippled Children Commission with a complete census. The Commission was created by the last Legislature to make an investigation of the condition of crippled children with a view to rendering immediate aid and treatment. The Elks committee is soliciting aid of residents of the State, and any one knowing the whereabouts of a crippled child under the specified age who may have escaped the notice of investigators will perform a real service by sending its name and address to the local Elks Lodge or to the chairman of the committee, Frank L. Armstrong, 130 West 42nd Street, New York City.

New Orleans, La., Lodge Entertains 1,000 City Orphans
More than 1,000 orphans from ten of the city's institutions were recently treated to a special entertainment at the Strand Theatre by New Orleans, La., Lodge No. 30. At the conclusion of the show the children were given cakes, candy and toys by the Lodge. The bill was especially designed for the entertainment of children. The Delgado Trade School Minstrels put on a show which kept the youngsters in high spirits; and there were other amusing acts, motion pictures and music by the Strand orchestra. The children were brought from the various institutions in automobiles and busses. In addition to the large number of private machines loaned, the various taxi companies of the city donated the use of their cars.

Lewiston, Idaho, Lodge to Construct Handsome New Home
Lewiston, Idaho, Lodge No. 896 is considering plans for building a new Home on the site of its present club house. The proposed structure will be two full stories high, with a basement. The lounge, offices, dining room and ladies' reception room will be on the ground floor, and the Lodge room and ball room on the second. The Building will cost in the neighborhood of $50,000 and will be a structure of which the Lodge can be proud, large enough to accommodate its membership adequately for years to come.

Warren, Pa., Lodge to Have Picture Album of Members
Warren, Pa., Lodge No. 223 is compiling a large album in which it is planned to preserve photographs of all its members. A member of the Lodge, who is a photographer, has generously agreed to furnish the album itself and to take the pictures without expense to the Lodge or to the individual members. Santa Monica, Calif., Lodge No. 906 and San Francisco, Calif., Lodge No. 3 are two other Lodges that have decided to keep similar albums.

Valley City, N. Dak., Lodge Visited By Grand Exalted Ruler
Valley City, N. Dak., Lodge No. 1110 was recently visited by Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland. Mr. McFarland, who was ac companied by Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson, was the guest at a special luncheon given in his honor at the Rudolph Hotel by the officers and Past Exalted Rulers of the Lodge. Mr. McFarland and Mr. Robinson both addressed the large gathering, complimenting the Lodge on its excellent showing.

San Mateo, Calif., Lodge Holds Its Annual Picnic
San Mateo, Calif., Lodge No. 1112 recently held its annual picnic at Coyote Point. There were barbecued meats—prepared by experts in the art of outdoor cooking—coffee, ice cream, soda etc., all supplied by the Lodge, and a program of games for young and old which surpassed anything attempted at former picnics. Sports and contests for boys and girls from 5 to 70 years of age were offered, and a generous array of prizes and trophies for each event was provided.

Building Plans of Various Lodges Approved
The following building plans have been approved by the Grand Exalted Ruler and the Board of Grand Trustees: Moline, III., Lodge No. 556. Erection of a new Home at a cost of $200,000 with furnishings at $25,000. Salem, Ore., Lodge No. 336. Erection of a new Home at a cost of $197,500 with furnishings valued at $10,000 Puyallup, Wash., Lodge No. 1450 Erection of a new Home at a cost not to exceed $90,000 with furnishings at $10,000.

Oregon State Elks Association to Meet at Tillamook, August 14-16
The Convention of the Oregon State Elks Association will be held this year at Tillamook, August 14-16. This is a week earlier than was planned, the change being made to avoid a conflict in date with Buyers' Week at Portland. Tillamook Lodge No. 1437 is making great preparations to entertain the large number of visitors that are expected.

New Rochelle, N. Y., Lodge Reveals Excellent Spirit
New Rochelle, N. Y., Lodge No. 756 is continuing its success along the most progressive lines and every department is functioning without friction and to the advantage of the Lodge. The Welfare Committee recently staged a base ball game at City Park, the receipts going to the Charity and Crippled Children Fund.

Carnival on Silver Anniversary Of Joplin, Mo., Lodge
Joplin, Mo., Lodge No. 501 has completed its arrangements for its third annual Charity Carnival to be held August 25-30. This being the Silver Anniversary of the Lodge, the members are planning one of the largest carnivals ever held in this district. The two previous charity carnivals held under the auspices of the Lodge were highly successful and were the means of raising considerable funds for charity work. The coming carnival is expected to surpass these in size and profits.

Carnegie Medal and Pension for Hero ism of Portland, Ore., Lodge Member
The heroic act of Sidney W. Hoffman, 1 member of Portland, Ore., Lodge No. 142, who lo5t his life in saving that of Miss Dorothy Austin at Seaside, Oregon, has been officially recognized by the trustees of the Carnegie Pension Fund, and a medal commemorating this brave deed, together with a pension of $80 per month, has been granted the widow and her children.

"Old Boys of Old Eighty-Six" Celebrate Tenth Anniversary
The third issue of "Now", a magazine published every year by the "Old Boys of Old Eighty-Six," is full of interesting information concerning the old timers of Terre Haute, Ind., Lodge No. 86 who have banded together for the sake of former times and fellowship. This unique association is now ten years old, and this year it celebrated its birthday with a large festival and banquet.

Jersey City, N. J., Lodge Wins State Bowling Championship
The "roll-off" of the tie existing between Jersey City, N. J., Lodge No. 211 and Union Hill, N. J., Lodge No. 1357 for the 1923-24 championship of the New Jersey State Elks Bowling League was staged at the Home of Rahway, N. J., Lodge No. 1075. It was one of the biggest events ever held by Rahway Lodge, between 800 and 900 visiting members being on hand to witness the match and to enjoy the fine entertainment provided by the Lodge. The match and championship was won by Jersey City Lodge in two straight games. The scores were very close, the first game being won by 39 pins, and the second by 6 pins.

Phoenix, Ariz., Lodge Working for Proposed State Sanitarium
Members of Phoenix, Ariz., Lodge No. 335 residing in Wickenburg have launched an active campaign to secure the proposed Elks Arizona Sanitarium for which a site is being sought. Two members have generously agreed to donate 30 acres of land located in the outskirts of Wickenburg. Assurance has also been received of a donation of $3,000 to $5,000 cash by the Wickenburg citizens to help the cause of the Sanitarium.

Worcester, Mass., Lodge Claims Unique Record
The records of Worcester, Mass., Lodge No. 243 show as unique an entry as probably exists on the books of any Lodge. There are seven members who answer to the name of "Lavigne," all family and fraternal brothers. There are eight members who respond to the call of "Rogers"'—six family brothers and two not related, but "brothers" just the same. This record of two sets of brothers, seven and six, is something that is, indeed, unique.

New District Deputy Appointed For Indiana, North
Stuart P. Carney of Ligonier, Ind., Lodge No. 451 has been appointed District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler of Indiana, North, to succeed H. J. Holland of South Bend, Ind., Lodge No. 235, who has resigned.

Drill Team of Eureka, Calif, Lodge Gives Series of Entertainments
The drill team of Eureka, Calif., Lodge No. 652 is planning a series of entertainments to raise funds to defray expenses of the trip to Long Beach and Catalina Island, September 17-20, when it will participate in the annual state championship competition. One dance has already been given by the team, and on July Fourth another -will be held at the Sequoia Auditorium. This will be one of the best dances in the history of Humboldt County, and a record-breaking crowd is expected. The team is showing excellent improvement and has high hopes of winning the championship.

Danbury, Conn., Lodge Celebrates Thirty-fifth Birthday
Danbury, Conn., Lodge No. 120 recently celebrated its thirty-fifth anniversary with a large banquet given at the Hotel Green. The Lodge, instituted with 34 members, has developed until it now is one of the largest fraternal organizations in the city with a growing membership of nearly 800. The Lodge owns its own Home and is free of debt. Funds are now being raised with the idea of erecting an addition to its present quarters or else the construction of an entirely new and larger building to take care of its increasing membership. A delightful vaudeville show was given as a part of the evening's program. Over 400 members were present at the celebration.

Pueblo, Colo., Lodge Honors Four of its Loyal Members
At a recent meeting of Pueblo, Colo., Lodge No. 90 four of its veteran members were fittingly honored. They were James L. Lovern, Charles B. Carlile, Arthur H. Stanard and Thomas Andrews. The mark of approbation was the voting of a life membership card to each of these members in recognition of their steadfast loyalty and untiring work for the Lodge over a period of many years, and their efficiency in performing the duties of the offices they have filled or are still filing.

District Deputy E. E. Gaddis Institutes Susanville, Calif, Lodge
Susanville, Calif., Lodge No. 1487 was recently instituted by District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler E. E. Gaddis of Woodland, Calif., assisted by the officers of Oroville, Calif., Lodge No. 1484. A feature worthy of comment lies in the fact that though Oroville Lodge was instituted only a few weeks previously the officers of that Lodge performed the work of initiation for Susanville Lodge. The new Lodge starts with a membership of 217, and already owns a building site, and a Home formerly conducted as an Antlers Club. Among the noted visitors present were James M. Shanly, Past Grand Esteemed Leading Knight, Hardy C. Hutchinson, Vice President of the California State Elks Association, and Dr. Hubert N. Rowell, District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler for the Bay District of California.

Franklin, Pa., Lodge Has Splendid Record in, Welfare Work
Franklin, Pa., Lodge No. 110 is a leader in the charity work being done in its_ community. It has so organized its efforts in this respect that its activities cover a wide and varied field. The Lodge cooperates with every local organization, including the Rotary Club, Kiwanis Club, Child Welfare Association, American Red Cross, American Legion, Salvation Army, Chamber of Commerce, Boy Scouts, Public Library, Hospital Associations and Musical Societies—so that it is actively identified with all civic and welfare movements of the city.

Float of Wenatchee, Wash., Lodge Honored in Blossom Festival
This year the float entered by Wenatchee, Wash., Lodge No. 1186 in the annual Apple Blossom Festival was used by the Festival Queen as her Royal Carriage. This honor was bestowed on the Lodge because of the beauty of its prize-winning floats in previous years.

Pasadena, Calif., Vocational School Dedicated by Local Lodge
The beautiful new Pasadena Vocational School was recently dedicated by Pasadena, Calif., Lodge No. 672 in the presence of several thou sand persons who were greatly impressed by the ceremony which was conducted on the brilliantly illuminated athletic field of the new institution. Grand Esteemed Leading Knight Harry M. Ticknor delivered the dedicatory address in which he praised vocational training and complimented the members of the Board of Education on the establishment of the new school. Following the dedication the Lodge presented the school with a beautiful silk American flag. During the evening the Lodge's band and glee club provided a program of excellent entertainment.

Salem, Ore., Lodge to Build New Home
Salem, Ore., Lodge No. 336 has already disposed of $100,000 worth of bonds and will use the proceeds to finance the construction of a new home.

Band of Ballard, Wash., Lodge Profits By Indoor Circus
The Indoor Circus recently conducted by Ballard, Wash., Lodge No. 827 was very successful, more than$1,500 being netted for the Lodge's band. The money will be used to buy new instruments and to provide for the expenses of the band to the State Convention at Bellingham. The band is also arranging a series of concerts for the shut-ins in various parts of the city and county during the summer months. Public concerts will also be given, the Lodge having erected a stand on the lot adjoining its Home.

Beautiful New Home for Santa Barbara, Calif, Lodge
Santa Barbara, Calif., Lodge No. 613 is planning to erect a new Home that will be one of the finest buildings of the kind in the district. It will be equipped with every modem conference, including all the up-to-date athletic and gymnasium features The Lodge expects to spend $250,500 on the project.

Meadville, Pa., Lodge Active In Charity Work
Meadville, Pa., Lodge No. 219 is doing excellent welfare work in its community. An outstanding example of the generosity of its members was given recently when the Lodge voted a donation of $500 to the Spencer Hospital Building fund. In addition, the Lodge is planning to conduct an outdoor circus, and to devote tile profits to further charitable work in the city.

Butte, Mont., Lodge to Build New Home Soon
Butte, Mont., Lodge No. 240 expects to award the contract for its new Home by July 1 and to begin operations shortly after that date. The budding will be located at the southwest comer of Montana and Galena Streets. The total cost of the project will be $150,000 of which $101,000 will cover the cost of constructing the two-story building and basement on the 85 x 100 foot lot. A fully equipped gymnasium will occupy the basement, which will also contain two handball courts.

Detroit, Mich., Lodge Gives Party For 2,000 Children
More than 2,000 children, orphans and cripples of the city, were entertained by Detroit, Mich., Lodge No. 34 at the annual May Day party held in its Home. The children were brought to the Home in automobiles, treated to a circus and all the good things they could eat and then returned to their various institutions with gratitude in their hearts for the members of Detroit Lodge.

Dubuque, Iowa, Lodge Entertains Grand Lodge Officers
More than 300 members of Dubuque, Iowa, Lodge No. 297 and visiting members from neighboring Lodges in the State and in Wisconsin and Illinois, attended the banquet given by Dubuque Lodge in honor of Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland, Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson and the Grand Chaplain, Rev. John Dysart. The fact that all three honor guests were former residents of the city gave the banquet a special significance. Each of the Grand Lodge officers addressed the gathering. Mr. Robinson responding to the toast of "How Does He Do It?", Dr. Dysart to the toast of "Fidelity," and Mr. McFarland to the toast of "Elkdom." The banquet was one of the most impressive events ever held by the Lodge.

San Bernardino, Calif, Lodge To Improve Property
It is proposed by the Board of Trustees and the Building Association of San Bernardino, Calif., Lodge No. 836 to erect a revenue producing building on the site of the old Home which was recently razed. The proposal contemplates the erection of a two-story building having three large storerooms on the ground floor, and a dormitory of about twenty rooms above.

New York State Elks Association Holds Brilliant Convention
The city of Buffalo witnessed one of the greatest conventions of the New York State Elks Association ever held in the history of the organization. Over 20,000 visitors from all parts of the State and country, Grand Lodge officers, headed by Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland, and members distinguished in government and judicial circles, were present. Buffalo Lodge No. 23 played host to the great gathering and a most elaborate and unusual program of festivities was offered the visitors. One of the most interesting reports read at the business session was that of Secretary Amon W. Foote, which had to do with the charitable activities of the various Lodges of the State. It read in part: "As usual the amount of money expended for charity by the 73 Lodges of the State ran well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The exact amount as reported to my office was $349,718.96, but this does not represent adequately the full amount extended to the poor and needy," Retiring President Philip Clancy strongly urged that the activities of the Association in behalf of crippled children be extended next year pursuant to a definite policy of relief. George J. Winslow, Grand Esteemed Loyal Knight, and former President of the Association, reported on the athletic fields and play ground movement. Many Lodges of the States are active in this respect and have appropriated sums of money to equip playgrounds. The outstanding social event of the Convention was the large banquet held at the Hotel Statler at which many distinguished members of the Order were present and addressed the diners. On the closing day of the Convention over 5,000 marched in the great parade stepping to the tunes of 70bands. Each Lodge in line had a distinctive uniform and the spectacle was one of the most colorful and stirring Buffalo has witnessed in years. The Association elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, James A. Farley of Haverstraw, N, Y,, Lodge No, 877; Treasurer, Jay Farrier of Oneida, N, Y, Lodge No, 767; Secretary, Amon W, Foote of Utica, N. Y., Lodge No. 33, The last two officers were reelected.

Dallas, Texas, Lodge Building. Band and Drum Corps for Boston
Dallas, Texas, Lodge No. 71, which recently entertained Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland, has just completed the first unit of its new Home. The new building when completed will represent an investment of over $250,000. Dallas Lodge has felt the need of more commodious quarters for some time as its membership has increased to nearly 2,000 in the past year. The Lodge will be well represented at the Grand Lodge Convention in Boston this month as it is planning to send its Band of 35 pieces and its Drum and Bugle Corps of 30 pieces.

Jersey City Lodge Lavish Host to New Jersey State Elks Association
Jersey City, N, J., Lodge No. 211 was host to one of the best conventions ever held by the New Jersey State Elks Association. There were present more than 203' delegates representing 48 Lodges of the State and many thousands of members of the Order and their families. Jersey City Lodge was lavish in its entertainment, pro viding a program of festivities that was unique. The parade held on the closing day of the Convention was conceded to be one of the best ever organized in the history of the Association. This gala event was followed by a great Block Dance on the Boulevard in front of the Home of Jersey City Lodge. Awards were made to the Lodges which took part in the parade as follows: Union Hill Lodge No. 1357, for the largest number in line; Passaic Lodge No. 387 for the best appearance; Trenton Lodge No. 105 for the best drilled patrol; Plainfield Lodge No. 885 for the best decorated floats; Madison Lodge No. 1465 for the best decorated automobile; Union Hill Lodge No. 1357 for the best appearing band; Newark Lodge No. 21 for the most unique appearance. Several other important awards had not been decided by the various judges at the time this issue of The Elks Magazine went to press. The Association elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, A. Harry Moore, Jersey City Lodge No, 211; Treasurer, Charles Rosencrans, Long Branch Lodge No, 742; Secretary, E, T, Reed, Perth Amboy Lodge No. 784. The first quarterly meeting of the Association will be held in September at the Home of Long Branch Lodge No. 742.

Cornerstone Laid for New Home of Milwaukee, Wis., Lodge
One of the most impressive ceremonies of its kind ever held in Wisconsin took place recently when Grand Exalted Ruler James G. McFarland, assisted by the officers of the Grand Lodge, laid the cornerstone for the new million dollar Home of Milwaukee, Wis., Lodge No. 46. The program began with a reception to Mr. McFarland and his official party at the Hotel Pfister; this was followed by a testimonial banquet in his honor at which many distinguished members of the Order, State and City officials were present. After the banquet the members and visitors marched to the site of the new Home where the cornerstone was laid. The last number on the program was the Dedication Ball given at the Wisconsin Roof Garden for the members and guests. The new home will be one of the handsomest in the Order. The plot on which the eight-story building will stand is 160 by 162 feet and the building itself covers a space 110 x 145 feet. Every conceivable modern improvement will be adopted in its construction and everything will be perfected for the comfort and convenience of the membership.

Illinois State Elks Association Meeting at Chicago
Over 400 official delegates and thousands of members from all parts of the State came to Chicago to take part in the annual convention of the Illinois State Elks Association. An elaborate and diversified program of entertainment was provided the visitors and the business sessions of the meeting brought forth many interesting resolutions and ideas for the closer cooperation of the Lodges within the Association. J. Nick Perrin, Jr., of Belleville Lodge No. 481 was elected President for the ensuing year, and William Gullett of Mt. Carmel Lodge No. 715, Treasurer. George W. Hasselman of La Salle Lodge No. 584 was reelected Secretary.

News of the Order From Far and Near
Many members of Sacramento, Calif., Lodge who own cars have cooperated in the Safe Drivers' Campaign by signing Safety Drivers' Club pledges. A fraternal visit was recently made by Prove, Utah, Lodge to Park City, Utah, Lodge. The officers of Provo Lodge conducted the initiation of a good-sized class. A building committee was recently appointed by Schenectady, N. Y., Lodge to consider plans for the enlargement and improvement of its present Home. District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler John B. Knapp recently made his official visit to Easton, Pa., Lodge where he was elaborately entertained. An excellent entertainment and good music were features of the Beefsteak Supper recently given by Newport, R. I., Lodge. Newton, Mass., Lodge is remodeling its Home. Bristol, Pa., Lodge observed its nineteenth birthday with a large banquet. As part of its series of visits to sister Lodges, Anaheim, Calif., Lodge recently paid a call on Huntington Park, Calif., Lodge, where a fine reception was given in its honor. Pawtucket, R. I., Lodge issued, in connection with the celebration of its twentieth anniversary, a beautiful souvenir program containing interesting information about its organization. The Saxophone Band of Norristown, Pa., Lodge is winning a name for itself in the community, having taken part in a number of public events. Muncie, Ind., Lodge reports a net profit of $2,200 from its "Frolics" show. Great preparations have been made by Frank fort, Ky., Lodge for its Elks Picnic to be held on July 4. Brookline, Mass., Lodge has organized an excellent orchestra. Rutherford, N. J., Lodge gave whole-hearted support to the recent Home Service Drive of the Salvation Army. The Annual Stag Frolic and Revue produced by Sullivan, Ind., Lodge was given for the benefit of Sullivan Post of the American Legion. The Boy Scout troop fostered by Albuquerque, N. Mex., Lodge now has eighteen members. The formation of a fife and drum crops is planned as soon as the troop has the required number. Renovo, Pa., Lodge has purchased^ a site adjoining its present holdings on which it plans to erect a handsome new Home. Grafton, W. Va., Lodge celebrated its twenty- ninth anniversary with a fine program which included the initiation of a large class of candidates. The entertainment committee of Winthrop, Mass., Lodge recently staged a "Battle of Music" at which an excellent concert was provided by the Boston College and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology orchestras. Everett, Wash., Lodge recently celebrated its twenty-fifth anniversary. More than 400 were present, and many of the old timers asserted it was one of the biggest nights in their recollections of the Lodge. Lockport, N. Y., Lodge recently burned the mortgage on its Home. A fine entertainment was given the many distinguished guests. Pittsburg, Calif., Lodge is interesting itself in a troop of Boy Scouts. The success of the first May Ball given by Pottstown, Pa., Lodge insures its annual repetition. Berwick, Pa., Lodge has an excellent ball team in the field which it has equipped with uniforms. The team not only plays in the city league but has games on its schedule with teams of other Lodges in nearby cities. Natick, Mass., Lodge has dedicated a new memorial tablet iii its Lodge room. Casper, Wyo., Lodge conducted a most successful "Frolic," the profits of which went into a fund to purchase furniture for its Home. Lansford, Pa., Lodge celebrated its eighth anniversary' by burning the mortgage on its Home. ilany distinguished members of the Order and representatives from Lodges throughout the State joined in honoring George L. Hirtzel, Jr., President of the New Jersey State Elks Association, at the testimonial dinner given to him at the Home of Elizabeth, N. J., Lodge. Charleroi, Pa., Lodge is considering the idea of sponsoring a Boy Scout troop. Over 87,000 was realized by Toledo, Ohio, Lodge from its annual carnival. Recently a class of 75 candidates was initiated into Stockton, Calif., Lodge—the largest in its history. Two thousand members and a new Home by 1925 is the goal set by the Lodge. Some of the best music heard by the public in years was rendered by the band of Wilkinsburg. Pa., Lodge at its open air concert. North Adams, Mass., Lodge recently celebrated its silver anniversary. A unique feature of the occasion, was the fact that all the original officers once more occupied their chairs. The Quartette of Buffalo, N. Y., Lodge recently broadcast a concert from the Hotel Statler. The famous children's dancing class of Braddock, Pa., Lodge presented its annual "Juvenile Follies" before large and enthusiastic audiences. Oak Park, 111., Lodge recently gave a dance to raise funds for an outing for the poor and crippled children within its Jurisdiction. Richmond, Calif., Lodge recently celebrated the tenth anniversary of the dedication of its Home. During the past Lodge year Elizabeth, N. J., Lodge expended over $26,000 for charity. "Melodyland," produced by the members of North Platte, Neb., Lodge, was well received by large audiences. In the recent Boy Scout Drive, San Luis Obispo, Calif., Lodge made a substantial donation and publicly endorsed the great movement. A radio night was recently enjoyed by the members of Quincy, Mass., Lodge. Bronx, N. Y., Lodge took an active part in the Borough Day celebration. Hempstead, N. Y., Lodge, which was recently instituted, has already made plans for owning a Home. It is considering the purchase of the August Belmont former residence property at a price near $75,000 for the purpose. Members of Chisholm, Minn., Lodge and their sons gathered in the new high school recently and held a Father and Son banquet. The erection of a new Home is on the program of East Stroudsburg, Pa., Lodge. Jersey City, N. J., Lodge, cooperating with other organizations of the city, is taking steps toward the formation of boys' clubs in various parts of the city. The Social and Community Welfare Committee of New York Lodge No. 1 has perfected plans for the Children's Outing for which a day next August has been set aside. It has also under consideration other phases of welfare service. Chelsea, Mass., Lodge took a prominent part in the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the city. Chester, Pa., Lodge raised a substantial sum by its production "Brite Bits of 1924" which will be donated to the entertainment of the city's children this summer. Bridgeport, Conn., Lodge is making great preparations for its annual Clam. Bake on July 27. Games and athletic contests of all kinds will be features of the outing. Queens Borough, N. Y., Lodge gave the children of the Queens County orphanage a fine outing at Dexter Park, Woodhaven, L. I. The band of Tacoma, Wash., Lodge recently ga\e a concert for the prisoners at McNeils Island Penitentiary. Fargo, N. Dak., Lodge mourns the death of D. E. Wingate, who was perhaps the oldest member in the Order. Mr. Wingate was initiated into Fargo Lodge at the age of 95 and was 98 when he died. Until his fatal illness he attended meetings regularly and visited the Home frequently. Memphis, Tenn., Lodge staged a most successful circus. Charleroi, Pa., Lodge has appointed a committee to inaugurate a movement toward the purchase of the local Baseball Grounds and to establish in this way a permanent Community Athletic Field. New Orleans, La., Lodge has under way a billiard and pool tournament. Many attractive prizes have been offered. More than 600 attended and enjoyed the Annual Stag and Homecoming held by Red Wing, Minn., Lodge. Lansford, Pa., Lodge celebrated its eighth birthday. Many distinguished members of the Order were present to congratulate the Lodge on its growth. A real day of sport was recently conducted by Yakima, Wash., Lodge for the benefit of the city's children. More than 4,000 youngsters and their parents were invited to the event. Bend, Ore., Lodge recently conducted a successful Elks circus. Portland, Ore., Lodge presented Kelso, Wash., Lodge with a beautiful elk's head and antlers on the occasion of its institution recently. William E. Washburn has served as tiler of Muskegon, Mich., Lodge for twenty-nine years. Four years ago, upon the completion of twenty five years' service in that office, he was presented by the Lodge with an Honorary Life Membership and a gold card case. Officers of the Washington State Elks Association recently visited Olympia, Wash., Lodge and District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler Walter F. Meier presented Martin Gottfelt with a Past President's jewel on behalf of the Association. Trenton, Tenn., Lodge gave its first annual charity minstrels at the Peabody High School. The proceeds went into the Lodge's charity fund. Plans are being made for the sixth annual "Elkpat" celebration under the auspices of Biloxi, Miss., Lodge on July Fourth for the benefit of the Biloxi City Hospital. Charley Wegner, who is now serving his twenty-fifth term as Secretary of Great Falls, Mont., Lodge, was recently given a dinner by the members as a testimonial of the esteem m which he is held. Longmont. Colo., Lodge is considering the idea of building a new Home on the property which it recently acquired. White Plains, N. Y., Lodge claims the distinction of being the only Elk Lodge having four members of one family as Life Members, the father, Edward Brady and his three sons, Thomas, Joseph and Frank. Frank Brady, the youngest son, was formerly with the American League as catcher for the Cleveland team. Members of the Minstrel Troupe of Pawtucket, R. I., Lodge recently entertained the patients of the Wallum Lake Hospital. Circleville, Ohio, Lodge recently dedicated its new Home. Pottstown, Pa., Lodge is making plans for the enlargement of its library. The band of Jersey City, N. J., Lodge recently won two handsome loving cups—prizes for its performances in the Boys' Day Parade and at the Lion's Club Dance. Woburn, Mass., Lodge recently instituted a class of seven G. A. R. veterans. The ceremony, conducted by Exalted Ruler Charles H. Cosgrove, was extremely impressive. The ages of the new members range from 79 to 88 years.