Shoreline, WA 1800

Ethnic Weekend Celebration ~ German Night's Buffet

Date: 04/28/2006
Type of Event: Lodge Function
Lodge Number: 1800
Location: Main Ballroom
Description: Our Guest Chef is preparing a few items from his native Bavaria. Some of the delicacies will include: Wild Boar Goulasch, Bear Ragout, Jager Schnitzel, Home Made Spatzle Noodles, Apple Braised Red Cabbage, Sauerkraut, Potato or Bread Dumplings, Hot German Potato Salad, Fennel & Celery Root Vegetable, Leek and Potato Soup, Black Forest Torte,Cinnamon Apple Fritters, and much much more.

Dance to the music of Continental Journey, Mixed Dance and Bavarian Music. All of this for the price of your normal buffet $17.95