Ken-Ton, NY 1942

From Our ER:

Hello to everyone,

June was a busy month. Our Flag Day ceremony
was very moving. Thanks to Eddie for doing a
great job of organizing the ceremony. Special
thanks to Tom Roach, the Girl Scouts, Lois, Jeff,
Dave 13 and Bernie Payne for participating that
day. This year we were able to give donation
checks to both Wings of Flight and Buffalo-
Niagara Honor Flight during the ceremony.

Well, summer is finally here. However, it was a
little too warm for a few days. Elks care, Elks
share!! Please try to check on elderly friends and
neighbors in these extreme temperatures.

Grand Lodge awards were given out at our June
meeting. Citizen of the Year was given to Andy
"Duffy" Maess. Elks of the Year was given to
Eddie Stulhmiller. Congrats to both, well

I would like to go over once more on exactly what
was voted/approved by the House committee.
The regular meetings are always held on the
second Monday of the month. The House/Trustee
meeting is held on the first Monday of the month.
There are only 4 months that we have a second
meeting on the 4th Monday. The months when
we have two meetings are: February, March, April
and October. On these two meeting months, the
House/Trustee will be held on the second
Monday at 6pm, before the regular first meeting.
Please make note of this change.

To sum things up, this month is different, due to
the holiday, July 8th is when our House/Trustee
meeting will be at 6pm. Our regular meeting will
follow at 7pm. Thank you.

Thanks to everyone who supported the Basket
Raffle with donating baskets and buying tickets.

Also, thanks to our members who have supported
the various bands this summer. Working together,
we can make a difference.

God bless America!
Wear R.E.D. on Fridays.
Fraternally yours,
Nancy Swiston
