Norwin, PA 2313

My Elks Mobile App

Installation Instructions

Our app currently contains the following:

  • The hours of operation for the lodge and the kitchen.
  • If you go on vacation or travel a lot, the map for Nearby Elks is GPS enabled and will show you all of the Elk lodges within 31-mile radius of your current location.
  • Has a calendar with all of the lodge upcoming entertainment, events, games, kitchen specials, meeting dates, etc.
  • Has the ability to add events, entertainment, games and kitchen specials to your phone's calendar. You can then set up a notification on your calendar, so you won't miss out on what you want to attend. Just open any calendar item and touch the Add to Calendar button.
  • If your phone is set up to receive notifications, you can receive any notifications the lodge sends out such as the lodge closing for any reason, upcoming events, dinner specials, etc.
  • Lodge current weekday menu, Sunday menu and event menu.
  • Member Information Change. If any of your membership information changes just fill out what changed on the form and it will be automatically sent to our secretary.
  • Volunteer Opportunities Sign Up. If you are interested in helping out for an event, please fill out the form and it will be automatically sent to the person in charge of the event.
  • RV parking for traveling Elks.
  • Current newsletter and By Laws. You must have an account on the Grand Lodge website and use your username and password to access both of them.

Please keep in mind our lodge app is still a work in progress and many additions will be added in the near future.