Ken-Ton, NY 1942

Ken-Ton, NY Lodge News

Flag Day

We will hold our traditional Flag Day Ceremony Saturday, June 15th at noon on our lodge patio. Formal attire for officers. We hope you will be able to view this very impressive ceremony. We will ask the girl scouts again to help with the presentation of the flags We will be presenting a donation to Wings Flight of Hope. Hotdogs and snacks will be served at the conclusion of the ceremony.We will hold our traditional Flag Day Ceremony
Saturday, ,June 15 th at noon on our lodge patio. Formal
attire for officers. We hope you will be able to view
this very impressive ceremony. We will ask the girl
scouts again to help with the presentation of the flags
We will be presenting a donation to Wings Flight of
Hope. Hotdogs and snacks will be served at the
conclusion of the ceremonies