Last year we engaged in over half a billion dollars of charitable activities. This is a remarkable accomplishment. Yet, I believe we can—and will—do even better by improving our efforts to capture our charitable activity.
To that end, at the 2024 Grand Lodge session in Austin, Texas, two amendments to our Statues were approved.
Resolution 2024-15 amended Chapter 13. 020 expanding mandatory committee appointments to include a “Government Relations Committee consisting of no less than three members. In addition, Resolution 2024-13 was approved expanding Chapter 12, section12.050 which describes the duties of the Secretary of the Lodge. As a result, it was expanded to include item “q-Perform or supervise year-round entry of charitable and community service statistics Into Pending Charity Report in the Chicago Lodge Membership System
Our new Exalted Rulers will soon take office and make their committee appointments. I anticipate that this new committee will significantly improve the implementation of the activities enumerated in the Government Relations Committee Manual and accurate documentation of these events. The submission of this information to Grand Lodge will be consistently performed or facilitated by the Lodge Secretary.
Sharing this information with your elected officials and your community can significantly enhance your exposer and standing of your Lodge and aid in your growth and success.
Working together, I expect to see a more accurate measure of what we as Elks do to fulfill our mission of a service to our communities, youth and veterans
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