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Midnight 2011 and we all went out on the Patio for the Space Needle Fireworks!

The Space Needle 2012 Fireworks from our Patio

Our favorite Seafair Clowns; “Spotty”, “Uncle Sam”, “Leprechaun” & “Officer Lumpy” were in attendance to entertain the kids! Suzie Allen was the “Christmas Elf”. Pictured with Loretta White & Trustee Nick Santora.

Trustee Dean Simonson was the Elks Santa this year.

The kids were served hot dogs & chips, the Seafair Clowns made balloon toys and then there was the Puppet Show!

The Seattle Elks 2011 Toys for Tots Benefit raised over $1200 for the Toys fot Totsa Foundation and 5 Boxes of new toys for distibution to local children.

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