Roseburg, OR 0326

Roseburg Photo Gallery

Roseburg Photo Gallery: All photos

Installation of 2016 - 2017 slate of officers

Presenting checks from Oregon State lodges for the UCC relief fund: Leading Knight Jim Blasi, Trustee Glenda Martin, PER Steve Malone, United Way employee, Exalted Ruler Todd Lund

Bill Roth, Joel Bouy, Stan, Rich Sanders, Don Patston, Bob Davis, & Tom Davis. Not shown: Steve Malone

Joel Bouy & Tom Davis with Bob Davis's boat in the background.

Tom Davis with the catch of the day.

Tom keeping Joel out of the bay.

2015 corn hole tourney - fundraiser for Kids Shopping Spree

bbq at Roseburg VA hospital - pictured l to r Chaplain Tom Davis, PER Joel Buoy, Leading Knight Jim Blasi, ER Todd Lund, PER Steve Malone, Esquire David Malone, Marc Davis

Our lodge building around 1920. We are on the right side of the pole.

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