Owego, NY 1039

Owego Photo Gallery

Owego Photo Gallery: All photos

Inner Guard Maria Fronek with her son and newly initiated (1/16/20) member, Anthony Fronek, and Anthony's sponsor, Lecturing Knight Patrick Carey

ER Steve Gregory, newly initiated (2/20/20) member, Rick Fry, and Rick's sponsor, Inner Guard Maria Fronek

Flag Day Program

Social Distancing on Flag Day 2020

2020 Winter Wii Bowling League members on opening night.

Note: Open practice on Wednesdays, 5-7 PM

ER Steve Gregory and Suzanne Newswanger present dictionaries to students at the Apalachin Elementary School in support of the Elks Dictionary Project

ER Steve Gregory and Suzanne Newswanger present dictionaries to students at the Owego Elementary School in support of the Elks Dictionary Project

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