Banning-Beaumont, CA 1839

Banning-Beaumont Photo Gallery

Banning-Beaumont Photo Gallery: All photos

Chaplain Tom Wilkie resigns his position due to health issues

Loyal Knight Greg Gonzales installed

Kevin Norville really got into the evening. Super excited about all the great gifts.

The Winner of his own Instapot he donated. Brian Morrissey and Greg Gonzales

Our bartender Elk Judy Golding and her son Justin did a great job keeping everyone hydrated

Enjoying the evening Brigg and Kelliey Matthews

Winners Kevin and Shay Norville

Joyce Bryant drawing the winners for money raised towards Scholarship Fund

L to R: Janet Morrissey, Vicky Elisalda, Brian Morrissey (top), Delene Gonzales

Listening to the music and enjoying the night.

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