Downey, CA 2020

Downey Photo Gallery

Downey Photo Gallery: All photos

The Lodge's very own "Elvis" aka Tom.... belts out another favorite for Bob Naretta... what NO SILK SCARF for Bob........... lol

PER Marc Curd.... singing his favorite song...... "You put your right foot in.... and you shake it all about"

Our very own Shannon doing his version of "Mack the Knife".... or is that Big Mac and Knife...... lol

Lance Buck singing "Somewhere over the Rainbow" and pointing to where he thinks it is....... "Yup... I think it's over that way"

Our able kitchen staff doing the jobs that Visitors won't do.............. lol

Craig, Tom, and Chuck ready to play pool.....

Carol and Bud Buck outstanding members of the Lodge... Thank YOU for all you do...

What great looking Ladies..... one look at me and they laugh....

The BEST part of any family activity is the kids and looks at those crazy smiles.......... and look at the prizes they won....

Hey there's Wes and Eileen Eades... great members of the Lodge and ALWAYS there to HELP the LODGE with the many activities.... THANK YOU BOTH FROM ALL OF US.


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