Springfield, OR 2145

Springfield Photo Gallery

Springfield Photo Gallery: All photos

Western Night - Aug. 2013. Civilians made a protective circle around active duty military and veterans for a special tribute honoring their service to our country (not a dry eye in the place!).

Western Night - Aug., 2013 Lady Veteran Jane Scully (left) procured some great items and made wonderful baskets for the raffle which raised $455 for our Veteran accounts! (Total raised for the night was $1106!).

Western Night - Aug., 2013 Stick Horse Cattle Drive was tons of fun even for the spectators.

Western Night - Aug. 2013 The band Red Thunder helped us dance the night away!

Great fun and good food~!

A stormy morning

A wonderful display to choose from.

ER Pam Tayler and Emblem member Dianne French

ER Richard Tracy and Citizen of the Year Denise Miller

A rare glimpse of an Elkalo, the offspring of the mating of an Elk and a Buffalo which occasionally occurs around 4 PM at our lounge any day except Sunday. Females of these species are extremely rare.

But sunshine came and dried things out

Lecturing Knight Jerry French and one of the raffle baskets.

ER Richard Tracy and Officer of the Year Barb Tyler

ER Richard Tracy and Officer of the Year Barb Tyler

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