West Milford, NJ 2236

West Milford Photo Gallery

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The West Milford Elks recently attended the West Milford High School Annual Health Fair. The lodge handed out pamphlets on drug and alcohol abuse as well has many visual displays. Giveaways included Frisbees, airplanes, stuffed Elk animals and even a few soccer balls. Elk volunteer John Addice, and students Mark Walker, Zack Tyler and Corey Kreutz

Elks volunteers at West Milford High School Health Fair - Drug Awareness Committee Dawn L, Dwayne K, Bob K and not in picture but behind the camera, John A

Elks volunteer at West Milford High School Health Fair - Drug Awareness Committee

Elks at West Milford High School Health Fair - Drug Awareness Committee

Elks volunteer at West Milford High School Health Fair - Drug Awareness Committee

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