Skowhegan-Madison, ME 2531

Skowhegan-Madison Photo Gallery

Skowhegan-Madison Photo Gallery: All photos

Michael D. Lange (left) was honored as 2008 Officer of the Year and Bruce McCollor (right) was named 2008 Elk of the Year by Exalted Ruler Julie A. Washburn at the lodge's annual award ceremonies.

Grand Exalted Ruler Paul Helsel pins a GER Award pin on Edward "Ned" Goff of Skowhegan at a Nov. 10, 2008 luncheon. Goff earned the honor by sponsoring three new members within one year

Grand Exalted Ruler Paul Helsel pins a 50-year membership pin on Past Exalted Ruler Roger E. Leblond at a Nov. 10, 2008 luncheon. Leblond was initiated Nov. 2, 1958 at the Woonsocket, R.I. lodge.

Grand Exalted Ruler Paul Helsel and First Lady Jane Helsel were presented with special red shirts commemorating the lodge's Red Shirt Friday to honor America's Armed Forces. Making the presentation at the Nov. 10, 2008 luncheon were Exalted Rulie A. Washburn and District Deputy Roy H. Bolton.

The first-ever visit by a Grand Exalted Ruler to the Skowhegan-Madison Elks Lodge took place on Nov. 10,2008 when Paul Hesel and First Lady Jane Helsel joined us for lunch. Preparing the turkey pie dinner were (left to right) Linda Laney, Mary Ann Leclair, Paula Crockett and Carol Edwards. Absent from photo: Beth Bolton and Exalted Ruler Julie Washburn.

Edward "Ned" Goff Jr. was honored as 2008 Skowhegan-Madison Elks Lodge "Father of the Year" at a June 13 barbecue hosted by the Veterans National Service Committee. Pictured (left to right) are Jill Davis, Nathan Goff’s fiancée; Nathan Goff, Ann Goff, Ned Goff, Eddie Goff; and Eddie’s wife, Jen. Absent from photo: Daughter Danielle Goff.

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