Lake Oconee, GA 2849

Lake Oconee Photo Gallery

Lake Oconee Photo Gallery: All photos

Dave Tateyama, Mary Zachary, Mike DePetrillo, Norma Graham and Barry Bishop shop for and deliver art supplies to the Veterans November 2020.

Norma Graham, Mike DePetrillo, Latasha Johnson(manager of Belks) and Mary Zachary shop for clothes for the Veterans November 2020

November 11, 2020 Veterans Day program, Boy Scout Troop 30 gave stars to all of the veterans in attendance. Here Mike Jones received a star

Bill Lewis recently attended the Alabama State Annual Meeting in Birmingham. Pictured L-R: Rudi Masi, Fla. State Pres., Mike Smith, PNP, Ga State Sponsor, Shirley Jerrell, Ala. State Pres., Charles Pratt, Miss. State Pres. and Bill Lewis, Ga. State Pres.

Steve Petrie accepts the 2020-21 Chairman of the Year award from Pres. Bruce Hayden

Tommy Thompson, PSP on the far left and Harriet Thompson, PSP Aux. on the far right escorting 2020-21 GEA President Bill & Lynda Lewis

2020-21 President-Elect Bob and Beth Colie being escorted by Mary & Chuck Burke

John White, NE VP and his wife Sandra escorted by Scott Pitocchelli

Scholarship Reception on Feb. 9, 2020. L-R back: Lauren Ellison, Michael Peters, Issac Newell and L-R front: Jessica Patino, Mahnoor Sultan, Susan Bishop (not shown Sean Brown)

Susan Bishop, recipient of the Chase Montgomery Memorial Scholarship, shown with Amey & Scott Montgomery at the Feb. 9, 2020 Scholarship Reception

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