Girl Scout Troup #460 assisted in Flag Day Ceremony June 11, 2021 and received a donation of $500.00 from PER M. Lopez for their help.
On May 21, 2021, Tucson Lodge #385 donated a iPad to the Prader-Willi Syndrome Association to support their National Convention silent auction. Photo Caption-L-R: ER W.Burns, T. Penta, L. Wilford, V. Penta
Tucson Lodge 385 members have collected forty eight new books for K - 6 grade patients at the Steele Children Research Center. In addition, sixty four $10.00 gift cards were also donated. These items will be delivered to the Arizona Elks Association State Convention on May 14th. Through the generosity of Tucson Elks 385 members a total of $1,202.25 goods were donated to support the Steele Children Research Center. Photo Caption Wayne Burns Exalted Ruler; Jim Sanford Trustee
On May 2, 2021, Youth week, AEA South District Scholarship chair (left) R. Campbell presented to 7 of Tucson Lodge #385 and 7 additional scholarship for $7,000. Center Scholarship recipient, ER W. Burns
For Youth week, Tucson Elks Lodge #385 on behalf of Harry's Violins program, donated 4 violins (approximately $2,000) to local senior high school musicians from Flowing Wells and Oro Valley High Schools.
L to R-Tucson #385 Scholarship Chair J. Sanford, Youth Week Scholarship recipient, ER W. Burns. Tucson Lodge #385 donated $7,000 to 8 recipients on May 2, 2021. The AEA South district selected 7 of our seniors with an additional $14,000, for a total of $21,000 in Scholarships.
Tucson Elks Lodge #385 members donated several children holiday gifts to Southern AZ Family Involvement Center, a non-profit organization which assist local Tucson families in need. Pictured L-R, BOD Chairman/Leading Knight W. Burns, Southern Regional Director P. Grant, Program Development Manager, E. Casillas. 12-15-2020
Tucson Elks Lodge #385 members/Santa helpers during the 2020 Lodge #385/Lugo Charities Bike in the Box.
Tucson Elks Lodge #385 in conjunction with Lugo Charities Bike in the Box 2020 ready to make 500 local underprivilege kids Christmas season a bit more exciting.
Bikes' arriving for 2020 Elks Lodge #385/Lugo Charites Bike in the Box, 500 local underprivileged kids will be excited this Christmas season. Member J. Lugo/Lugo Charities over seeing unloading of bikes.
Lodge 385 First Responders 2019 recipients: Left-Joe Riley, Tucson Fire Captain, J. Noriega, Pima Co Sheriff's: J. Quinter/daughter, Northwest Fire D. Bollinger(for J. Clark), Tucson Police S. Payne and U of A Police, C. Spasoff
Tucson Lodge #385 Scholarship recipients. Left to right: Rebecca Amador; Scholarship Chairman, James Sanford,Laurel Montague; Grace Gephart;Renee Sarappo; Maya Levy; Kim Do; Logan Beers; Jason Canizales; PER/ Youth Activities Chairman, Wayne Burns and Jorge Armenta
2019 Harry Dobiesz Strings program recipients. Left to right: Daniel Sullivan; Nicole Custodio; PER Wayne Burns, Chairman Youth Activities; Minnesota More; Kali Beausejour; Not in photo: Kylie Baird; Samuel Rodriguez
PER Wayne Burns honoring 1st responders from Tucson Police Officer Sarah Haught (10 yrs), Northwest Fire District Captain Josh Zent (15 yrs), and University of Arizona Corporal Micholjon Amando (18 yrs). Thank you for your service!
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