Wisconsin Rapids, WI 693

Wisconsin Rapids Photo Gallery

Wisconsin Rapids Photo Gallery: All photos

Elroy leads the Elks Drug Awareness Trailer. Elk members hand out Rulers and Pencils urging kids to "Rule Out" Drugs.

ER Mike Spranger presents PER Plaque to Marilyn Gillies.

State President Rob Radig Sr. presents the State President's Plaque to Marilyn Gillies accepting on behalf of Lodge #693

Karen Bures presents First Lady of the Lodge Tiara to Dawn Spranger

ER Marilyn Gillies presents Elk of the Year Award to George Bures

ER Marilyn Gillies presents Officer of the Year Award to Mike Spranger

Pat Berg, Barb & Tim Plowman

George & Karen Bures, Patty Miller

Dan Bailey, Mike & Lynn Swanson

Dan & Jen Jackson, Laura & Kyle Cronan

Ginny Hinkins, Julie & Bob Berg

Ron & Deb Bohn

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