Cortland, NY 748

Cortland Photo Gallery

Cortland Photo Gallery: All photos

Hoop Shoot Winners in our Ten to Eleven Group.

Hoop Shoot Winners in our Eight to Nine Group.

On November 16, the Lodge held its first Hospitality fund raiser at the Preble Rest stop. The project was not only a success but fun. Elks were able to spread the word about all the great things we do and talk with a number of travels. Thank you to all those that worked, baked, or helped with the organization of the project.

ER John is caught eating the profits.

Jen and Angala close off the day at in a great smile.

Kathy and John were the first to arrive to get the Hospitality booths going.

2013 Dick Scheffler Golf Tournament. Cortland Lodge 748 ER Presenting Plaque.

2013 Dick Scheffler Golf Tournament.

2013 Dick Scheffler Golf Tournament.

We didn't win the raffle but we are still a happy bunch of Elks. :-)

Queen of Hearts Raffle a Great Success! On August 4th the Cortland Elks Lodge Queen of Hearts Raffle reached a whopping $49,765.00. Congratulations Richard. The drawing was down to the last card. WoW....what are the odds? Richie, pictured in the center holds the golden ticket.

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