San Bernardino, CA 836

San Bernardino Photo Gallery

San Bernardino Photo Gallery: All photos

Nothing tops off a great night of partying with the Best People On Earth than a great breakfast buffet!

The entry way to our SVP Visitation Luau!!

All of our 52 Club and Century Club Members! Hal and Angie Hively, Barbara Riddering, Tom Poole, Mike Gilligan, Bob Cones, Sarah and Ralph Rangel, Kathy Brauer, Peggy Cranford, Beth Alexander, Richard Rios, and Jean Branton!!

Ralph Rangel acting as our Vanna White, while Bob Cones worked his auctioneer magic!

Holly and G Guerrero

Hal and Angie Hively with Peggy Cranford

Our Current Elk of the Year, Gwen Pawluk

Jean Branton and Laura Northrup

Our very own Liz Cruz, taking a second off from making sure the food is running smoothly to take a picture.

The "Poole Table" Tom Poole, Ben Depasopil, Kathy Brauer, Peggy Cranford, (sorry to the two with their backs to the camera, can't make out who they are), Betty McFadyen, and George Bohn

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