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Tucson Elks Lodge #385- August 3rd, 2024, AZ SDDGER Barry "Bear" Carlile held his first South District Clinic.

On August 3rd, 2024, SDDGER Barry "Bear" Carlile held his first south district clinic at the Tucson AZ Lodge #385.  All south district Lodges were present, and several members joined the clinic.  With a full agenda, this was a perfect opportunity for those new/seasoned officers to gain additional Elkdom knowledge to assist not only their lodge but Elkdom in general.  Also in attendance was Arizona Elks Assocation State President Sue Krausman (pictured in photo with other dignitaries #3) and 1st gentleman Jimm Krausman.  

Photos attached.
Photo #1, South District Lodge ER's
Photo #2, SDDGER Bear Carlile

Photo #3, AEA State President Sue Krausman and other dignitaries

Posted by: Tucson, AZ #385 (08/24/2024)

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