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Dictionary Project Ramping Up

Since 2017, our Lodge has been delivering dictionaries to third grade students at as many as 12 Indian River Country Schools at the beginning of the school year. Nearly 2,000 dictionaries have just arrived.  See below.

Under the direction of Project Manager Paul Diaz, PDDGER, the Lodge is assembling a team to label the dictionaries and package them for delivery at the convenience of the participating schools. Volunteers are requested to meet on Friday, September 27th at 10:00 am at the Lodge.

Deliveries are scheduled to take place on September 30, October 1 and 2.  Be at the Lodge at 8:30 am on those days if you can participate.

For a short history of our Lodge's involvement with this project, visit our website.

Posted by: Vero Beach, FL #1774 (09/22/2024)

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