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Please wELKome Our New Members

Initiated on September 17, 2004: Troy Dickson; Curtis Holden; Glynn Tremblay, Sr; JoAnn Stratton.

Initiated on August 20, 2024: (front )Patricia Gibbons, John Rybarczyk , Deborah Perez; (back) Linda Scott, ER Jack Houlihan, Brianna Murphy.

Initiated on June 18: Marshall Voyles, Jr., Lawrence Irving, Vincent Alvarez, Bessie Weaver and Joyce De Lair.

Initiated on April 16, 2024: (Names listed in alphabetical order) Cathy Cosenza, Max Dilley, Peggy Larson, Roy Larson, Almando Rodriguez, Silvia Valdes

17 New Members initiated on March 19th

Posted by: Vero Beach, FL #1774 (09/25/2024)

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