Throughout the year, the ENF offers a series of videos and webinars to help ENF Scholarship Chairs make the most of the ENF scholarship program.

Click on a video below to learn more on the topic.

  • MVS Portal Demo: Take a tour of the new MVS Portal Demo. This is a recording of the presentation run over Zoom on September 22.
  • Each year, your time and dedication helps thousands of students pursue their college dreams. Watch this video to hear from Elks scholars what their scholarship means to them and what it means to be a member of the #ElksFamily.

    Today's Elks scholars can be tomorrow's Elks, but only if you engage them. Watch this short video to hear Elks-scholar-turned-Elk Macy Warburton explain why you need to engage your scholars.

    Watch the Engaging Elks Scholars Webinar to learn about the different ways you can engage Elks scholars for your Lodge.

    Questions? Email or call 773/755-4732.

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