Dunkirk, IN 1776

Dunkirk, IN Lodge News

SCHOOL'S OUT BASH - Saturday JUNE 1st, 2024 - Dunkirk Elks Lodge 1776

SCHOOL'S OUT BASH - Saturday JUNE 1st, 2024 - End of the School Year Event

On Saturday June 1st an end of the school year event was held on the front lawn of YOUR Elks Lodge in Dunkirk. Hosted by Jandra and Dan Foltz, the event featured items and games donated by several Lodge members.  
A cookout was held with food and cooking donated by Bob and Jennifer Braun.
Also in attendance and helping with donations and games were Exalted Ruler Vicky May,
Barb Irelan, The Barger Family, Pam Brown, The Cowgill Family, etc.
If I missed anyone specifically, I apologize.
     The true spirit of what we do as Elks was shown by the youngest and most unlikely of sources. 
There were two bicycles raffled off and what happened next will certainly warm your heart.
The Boy who was drawn as the winner, said he had just been given a new bicycle and...
he gave his new bicycle to the second boy drawn!!!
     Then the girl winner was drawn and she also said she had recently been given a new bicycle, and....
she gave her brand new bicycle to the next name drawn, and it went to a girl who did not have a bicycle.
If that doesn't properly display our Elks mantra of...ELKS CARE, ELKS SHARE,
Then I certainly don't know of a finer example of it.  It was a very nice afternoon event for the kids.
