Dunkirk, IN 1776

Dunkirk, IN Lodge News

CHECK OUT ALL of THE DAY'S ACTIVITIES held on Sat. NOV. 9th, 2024 at the DUNKIRK ELKS 1776, Benefit Breakfast, VETERANS DINNER, REMEDY BAND, Monthly Drawing, Weekly Drawing. - Once again YOUR little dynamo of an Elks Lodge right here in Dunkirk Indi


              Tribute To Veterans and Our Absent Members                                       Entertainment Provided by REMEDY BAND

Once again YOUR little dynamo of an Elks Lodge right here in Dunkirk Indiana was a bustling hive of activity.

On Saturday November 9th the day began very early as the volunteers arrived to prepare an excellent breakfast.
This annual event, held to benefit the very worthy Secret Families Christmas Charity raised $2,179.00 at last count.

Then, at 5:30 pm in the afternoon, another wonderful, delicious meal was prepared for our Annual Veteran's Day Ceremony.
This was also entirely prepared by a volunteer crew.
And the real kicker was....
No Veteran will ever go hungry around this Lodge at our annual Veterans Day breakfast and dinner!!!

Attached are a few images of the ceremony and the spectacular entertainment afterwards provided by Remedy Band.
That band always dazzles us with very tight musical arrangements, medley mixes of songs that not just any run of the mill
bar band would even attempt, and hotter than a rocket, right in the pocket vocals.
The evening wound down with a few retiring to the lounge for some video bowling until midnight or so...

AND OF COURSE...That oh so somber, and tender Eleven O'Clock toast that was so sadly bittersweet as we lamented
the loss of a Past Exalted Ruler Dick Alexander and THE BEST FRIEND DUNKIRK AND OUR LODGE EVER HAD, Leo Glogas.
It was a truly magnificent day.
A day that made me very proud to be...

I sincerely thank everyone who pulled together yesterday to make this, exhausting day a reality.
It certainly does NOT go unnoticed.

Once again I must point out...Elks absolutely are indeed...The....BEST PEOPLE ON EARTH!!!

-- Information provided by James Fulks, PER! --

Next Weekly Drawing is Saturday DECEMBER 7th, 2024 at 7:30 PM.

The Weekly Drawing Winner on Sat. NOV. 30th, was not signed and not present.  
The Pot Grows.  The Nov. 9th Weekly Drawing was won by Ashley Conatser,
she was signed and present winning the Full Pot!  

The Next Monthly Drawing is Saturday DECEMBER 14th, 2024 at 7:00 PM.
Winner of the NOVEMBER 9th MONTHLY DRAWING was Roman Braun He wins half of the 
Pot because he was signed up, paid up, but not present


