Joplin, MO 0501

Joplin, MO Lodge No. 0501

It may be too hot to be outside, but the Lodge is always a "cool" place to be! The July calendar is full of events for all. Be sure to check out the calendar and sign up for the weekly "Shouts", if you have not already done so. We have several new members in the Lodge. If you see someone you don't know, be sure to introduce yourself and make them feel "wELKome". We have some illness in the Lodge; if you know of a member ill at home or in the hospital, please let our secretary or one of the girls in the Lounge know.  Sometimes a prayer is all we can offer up, and we all need someone praying for us!  Like Elks across this nation, your Lodge is loud and proud:  "WE ARE THE ELKS".  Come out and meet some new members, enjoy the entertainment, and catch up with the "regulars". There are lots of activities scheduled for the month; check out the monthly newsletter and the weekly "shouts" for updates and further information.

It's Great to Be an Elk!

Joplin Lodge #501 was instituted May 15, 1899, and remains committed to serving the needs of the "four-state" area.  As members of the premier charitable organization in our nation, we offer scholarships to area High School Seniors, support our Veterans, and participate in the other charitable programs of the Grand Lodge.

We are located at 1802 West 26th Street, Joplin, MO.  We open daily at 11am.