Boise, ID 0310

Lodge RV Parking

RV Parking for Elks Members:

2 Spaces with 30 amp or 50 amp Electric (Water and Sewer not available) Recommended Donations: $10 per night for dry camping $20 per night with Electrical Hookup If a dogbone is needed it will be locked into the electrical box – no deposit is required

Our registration form can be found under the more info tab RV Registration

We do take reservations via email or phone M-F 100PM to 500PM

To get to the Lodge from I-84 going either East or West.

You will be looking for the City Center (or downtown connector) I-184 exit.

Take  I-184 for about 1-1/2 miles and exit at the Hospital or Curtis Ave exit, taking the left lane and turning left at the intersection.

Go over I-184, and then at the Fairview Ave intersection, you want to be in the left turn lanes. After turning left, you will be heading west, and you want to get in the right lane so that in about 5/8s of a mile (you should be able to see our marquee), you can turn right into our parking area.

Boise, ID Lodge No. 0310 RV Park
6608 W Fairview Ave
Boise, ID 83704-7721

electric 30amp
electric 50amp

Parking Spaces:

Parking Space Length:
45 ft.

Maximum Stay:
5 days

Nightly Donation:

