Sweet Home, OR 1972

Lodge RV Parking

RV Parking area

We have a spaceous area to hook up small trailers to very large motorhomes, with electric and water hook-ups. "For those RV'ers, please be cautious upon arrival from the direction west Hwy 20 to Osage Street. The entrance to Osage has a very steep incline that could be hazardous to RVs with an overhang of two feet or more. It would be best to take a right on First Ave. then turn right on to Nandina, then right on to Westwood St., then left back on to Osage to avoid the steep incline. Thanks!

Sweet Home, OR Lodge No. 1972 RV Park
440 Osage St
Sweet Home, OR 97386-1320

None have been listed.

Parking Spaces:

