RV site amenities
No vehicle, RV, camper, trailer, boat, etc., are allowed to be stored on lodge property. If any item is left on the lodge property, it will be impounded and towed at your expense. If there are any permission exceptions, it must be in writing from the Lodge Secretary or Trustee Chair.
Note: City of Scottsdale zoning regulations do not allow for a stay longer than seven consecutive days. If you require a longer stay, you must vacate the RV park for at least 24 hours before returning.
Under no circumstances are any vehicles, campers, RVs, trailers, etc., to be left on lodge property unless granted by the trustees. If you do not notify the trustees, your vehicle will be impounded and towed at your expense. It is not enough to ask the bartender. The trustees must grant written permission.
Location: Scottsdale, AZ Lodge No. 2148 RV Park 6398 E Oak St Scottsdale, AZ 85257-1102
Utilities: None have been listed.
Parking Spaces:
All Arizona RV Parks