For our fellow Elks traveling around the country. Please stop by with your RV for a night or two. $ 10 over night stay (execpt during WVU home football weekends and game nights) without hook ups Call 304-599-1943 or email and let us know when you might be stopping by.
West Virginia University Football Parking Costs for 2022: Cars: $15 per space with an additional cost for shuttles to game. Season passes are $90. RVs: $100 per site for game day & includes 1 overnight stay (before or after game), $25 for extra night. Shuttle passes are not included in price. RVs must be setup on 3 hours before game time. No electricity, no sewage, generators must be vented. Season passes for RVs will be $600 (extra night free with season passes). Check our website; for further information.
Location: Morgantown, WV Lodge No. 411 RV Park 1138 Chestnut Ridge Rd Morgantown, WV 26505-3522
Utilities: None have been listed.
Parking Spaces:
All West Virginia RV Parks