It’s 2025 and many of us are starting our resolutions or working towards our goals for the new year. It has become a tradition across the globe to take the new year as a time of new beginnings and turning a new leaf. With this tradition, veterans all over the United States are starting anew transitioning into their new homes with the help of ENVSC’s Welcome Home Kit program.
Unfortunately, many veterans exiting homelessness into their new homes start with nothing. With the Welcome Home Kit program, veterans can receive small furniture, kitchenware, and other home supplies to help them get a head start in their new home. Thankfully, with the aid of Lodge volunteers delivering kits, veterans can always look to the Elks to help them receive the fresh start that they deserve.
Members of Hopkins, Minn. Lodge No. 2221 worked together to go above and beyond for veterans recently with 25 Welcome Home Kits. These kits included daily necessities like towels, trash cans, all-purpose cleaner and dish soap which are greatly needed by many veterans receiving kits as most veterans’ benefits programs don’t cover cleaning supplies. The Hopkins Elks also spent $2,500 of their own funds on Welcome Home Kits which speaks to how much they truly care for veterans and their families.
Many of the veterans receiving kits expressed their appreciation for the Lodge members. Some of these veterans even went out of their way to send multiple thank you cards to the Elks. Veteran Susan wrote, “You have truly blessed me with essentials needed to thrive in my new apartment. Your support has meant so much to me during this time of transition. The generosity and true concern you share is contagious! Thank you!”
Since the Welcome Home Kit program began, Hopkins Lodge has delivered 946 kits and counting, which is the most of any Lodge in the country.
If you and your Lodge would like to support veterans like Susan transition into their new homes, visit the Welcome Home Kit webpage for more information and tips on how to get started.